jonstokes / shootercontrol

We tried controlling the "what" and it doesn't work. Let's focus on the "who", instead.
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Create a Resource for people to educate themselves #8

Closed DonRichards closed 8 years ago

DonRichards commented 8 years ago

This is to add value to the conversation but not to add directly to the proposal. This could go out of control so I added parameters in the form of a key

jonstokes commented 8 years ago

I like this a lot.

For categories, I can see how that could be contentious. I suggest the following:

I think my original piece on the AR-15 would go under "advocacy" in the above, because though it includes a lot of info, the point is to make a case for why someone without military pretensions would choose the AR-15 over some other weapon type on practical grounds.

DonRichards commented 8 years ago

I think I mixed the suggestions into this without adding too many new categories. Your thoughts?

jonstokes commented 8 years ago

Actually after I merged I realized that this was a PR to a branch that's already merged into master. I'll fix it.