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components@security_schemes object #45

Closed jonthegeek closed 12 months ago

jonthegeek commented 1 year ago

As an API user, I'd like to create standardized API components@security_schemes objects, so that I don't have to remember the names of all the expected fields.

Make an incomplete version of components that only implements security_schemes. We'll come back for the rest later.

The scheme for this includes 4 types, which will be subclasses of a security_scheme class or something along those lines.

Be sure to sort out rules about things like security_schemes and security_scheme both being classes (that feels bad). Maybe make the top one something like security_scheme_set or security_scheme_collection ("set" has too many meanings).

Align with variables.

jonthegeek commented 1 year ago

Of all OAS 3.0+ specs on, this is the breakdown of securityShemes types:

It's definitely best to start focused on apiKey!

(note that some don't have a scheme; I haven't gotten those counts yet)

jonthegeek commented 1 year ago

Number of securitySchemes per API: