jonthysell / Mzinga

Open-source software to play the board game Hive.
MIT License
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Add perft references from non-starting positions #101

Closed edre closed 3 years ago

edre commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your work bootstrapping a Hive AI community!

I have independently verified your perft counts with all extension combinations (except the one that takes multiple days to run) with my Hive engine. When I can come up with a name, I'll open source it ;)

[Are the performance numbers supposed to be single-threaded? Mzinga.Perft is taking 1.8 cores when I run it.]

Can we add some perft numbers from other board positions? There are a lot of edge cases that probably can't be exercised in the first several moves of the game. Especially involving some beetle gates, mosquito and pillbug interactions, etc. For performance evaluations, larger board states enumerating ant movements would be a good stress-test for most engines.

edre commented 3 years ago

Now that my perft ran a little longer in the Base game, I have a divergence from your results: At depth 9, my engine gets 99,376,027,356 moves, and Mzinga gets 99,375,893,436 moves. When I get around to implementing UHP, I can try to randomly sample game states at depth 8, and see if our engines get different moves.

edre commented 3 years ago

Here's my proposal of a perft test that exercises how various pieces interact with beetle gates. A brief game that constructs a beetle gate as quickly as possible.

GameString: Base+MLP;InProgress;White[5];wB1;bB1 -wB1;wQ wB1-;bQ /bB1;wB2 wQ-;bQ /wB1;wB2 wQ;bB1 bQ

Here's my initial proposal for perft values. If you could add a feature to Mzinga.Perft to accept arbitrary game strings we can compare. I manually verified that we agree about depth 1 at least.

depth count time kn/s
0 1 1.05µs 952
1 36 11.075µs 3250
2 965 108.989µs 8854
3 44268 3.980584ms 11120
4 1747280 192.65638ms 9069
5 93187480 11.69154456s 7970
6 4489053697 628.700924372s 7140
jonthysell commented 3 years ago

The perft timings should be just from literally calling playing every possible move as if someone was doing it.

In order to find out the perft results faster, versions of Mzinga up to and including 0.10.0 sped things up by starting multiple threads at the starting position, with each first possible move given it's own thread in parallel. This gave me the perft counts faster, but the timings are invalid. I removed that functionality with

If your actual move generator does things in parallel internally, that would be a valid.

The perft move divergence is probably from the Spider move generation bug #102.

jonthysell commented 3 years ago

Also, you can test different positions using MzingaEngine, which includes a perft command. Just make sure you disable pondering if you're worried about the timings. ie:

options set PonderDuringIdle Disabled
newgame Base+MLP;InProgress;White[5];wB1;bB1 -wB1;wQ wB1-;bQ /bB1;wB2 wQ-;bQ /wB1;wB2 wQ;bB1 bQ
perft 6

Here's the Mzinga v0.10.1 results:

perft(0)  =                1 in                2 ms.      0.5 KN/s
perft(1)  =               36 in                0 ms.        ∞ KN/s
perft(2)  =              965 in                1 ms.    965.0 KN/s
perft(3)  =           44,307 in               51 ms.    868.8 KN/s
perft(4)  =        1,749,084 in              826 ms.  2,117.5 KN/s
perft(5)  =       93,269,761 in           51,079 ms.  1,826.0 KN/s
perft(6)  =    4,493,115,467 in        2,292,387 ms.  1,960.0 KN/s

So, one of us is wrong. ;)

edre commented 3 years ago

I fixed how I was counting positions that terminate early (by not counting them) and now we agree.

depth           count        time        kn/s
    0               1       2.1µs       484.3
    1              36       5.8µs      6195.1
    2             965      47.0µs     20540.2
    3           44307       1.7ms     26532.8
    4         1749084      78.8ms     22205.8
    5        93269761        4.1s     22622.1
    6      4493115467      531.9s      8447.2