jontio / JMPX

FM Stereo encoder with RDS support
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error: cannot find -llibopus #11

Open Al3ssandro99 opened 4 years ago

Al3ssandro99 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'd like to compile JMPX on Windows using Qt Creator, but when Qt compiles it, a warning "cannot find -llibopus" comes out. Did someone get the same problem? How can i solve it? Thanks

jontio commented 4 years ago

Looking through the repo I see libopus has been precompiled for 32bit but not for 64bit windows builds. I shouldn't have included either of them really. Anyway if your on windows and using MSYS2 then pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-opus should install into your system else you can build from source . On Linux say Debian based then something like sudo apt install libopus-dev should install it.