jonvolfson / cs4500-api

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Extending main.cpp test coverage #3

Open NickSimmons97 opened 4 years ago

NickSimmons97 commented 4 years ago

Would it be possible to extend the test coverage in 'main.cpp' to support arrays with the following primitive types: int, float, and bool? The assignment 2 spec page states- 'there should be Array classes which supports int, float, bool and String'. At this point in time, 'main.cpp' only tests Array objects containing Strings. Thank you for your consideration.

jonvolfson commented 4 years ago

Hi Nick! I apologize, my partner and I have been busy the past few days with other classes and we know our code and tests need updating. We're planning on working on it tonight and pushing around 6-7pm. We'll be adding more tests and making changes to our array implementation to make it resizeable and compatible with more types.

NickSimmons97 commented 4 years ago

Sounds good! Thank you for responding promptly. Looking forward to your push this evening.

jonvolfson commented 4 years ago

additions to the tests have been pushed. Let me know if you have any questions about functionality or how we imagined our array to be implemented

NickSimmons97 commented 4 years ago

Upon looking at the updates in your test file, we are still not seeing any tests outside of arrays with Strings. In order to cover the functionality of the array specs we need tests that confirm the functionality of int, float, and bool array types. The professors have been suggesting that teams have multiple array classes specific to the types they hold ( ). We agree with their suggestion and believe that it is the simplest to implement.

jonvolfson commented 4 years ago

Will update tests soon as we're making sub-classes to allow for primitive types. Please see our latest commits where we delete the 'add' method since this makes no sense for an array. Test2() in main.cpp has been updated to reflect this.

jonvolfson commented 4 years ago

We've added additional tests for subclasses of Array that focus on a certain type. Sorry for the wait.