jonzenor / ChristianGuilds

An awesome tool for Christian gaming guilds to host their websites on and offer a rich community experience with the larger Christian gaming community.
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Guild Subdomains #221

Open jonzenor opened 3 years ago

jonzenor commented 3 years ago

Look here for some examples:

Lectric1 commented 3 years ago

The difference between the two is subdomains are whereas a full domain is

Lectric1 commented 3 years ago

either you would have to purchase domain names for the normal full domains, or you would have them bring it. also note that you can have unlimited free subdomains with your domain.

jonzenor commented 3 years ago

Yeah... I know what subdomains are... :D I meant from the application perspective. I have to configure my server differently to dynamically allow for domains to be used, and then have to reconfigure how all of the routing works based on if you are using a standard slug, a subdomain, or a custom domain. Getting those options to all work together may be a big pain, and I will need to probably limit what options I allow. So thought must be given.