Closed sergix44 closed 8 years ago
not now, but was thinking on this today.. bc new/recent db modules supports url programmatically:
use(new Cassandra("cassandra://localhost/db"));
will add this for next release.
BUT! configuration is very powerful, you can use your own .conf file, not need to use application.conf
I just created #428 which is just syntax sugar for this line.
Also, you can specify db property from command line or environment
java -jar myapp.jar db.url=... db.user=... db.password=...
args/environment variables take precedence over properties from .conf file
let me know if you have questions
Thanks for the suggestions. I was wondering, when you will add this freaking awesome new features to this beautiful framework?
@FreVecc which feature?
Guys, do you like jooby?
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I meant the new Cassandra(...)
About the jdbc module it's possible to setup the database configuration (connection string, database user, database password, etc) programmatically without setting in application.conf? (picked up from other config file or from user input)