jookies / jasmin

Jasmin - Open source SMS gateway
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AMQP defer.AlreadyCalledError #1107

Open Integration-IT opened 1 year ago

Integration-IT commented 1 year ago


AMQP raise exception probably due to multiple firings. I guess some where in your code, you are explicitly calling the callback of deferred. This is also happening multiple times. A deferred callback can be fired only once which indicates the completion of a long awaited task resulting in a error or positive result. Twisted has a mechanism to throw the exception.

This exception raises a total break between dlrd and rabbitmq. In fact, the broker is down.

ERROR    1081538 Channel open failed: [Failure instance: Traceback: <class 'twisted.internet.defer.AlreadyCalledError'>: 
--- <exception caught here> ---
To replicate
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
def func(x): print x
d = Deferred()
d.addCallbacks(func, func)
d.callback('First fire')
d.callback('Second fire')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/internet/", line 661, in callback
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/internet/", line 756, in _startRunCallbacks
    raise AlreadyCalledError

logs and manual test have the same error.

0.10.12, 0.10.13 -> Error identified.

idevsoftware commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm having the same issue here and it results in our Jasmin install to completely stop routing messages. I recently upgraded from a very old version to the latest (0.10.13) and I'm getting the very same error as the OP:

2023-03-13 23:01:21 ERROR    568 Channel open failed: [Failure instance: Traceback: <class 'twisted.internet.defer.AlreadyCalledError'>: 
--- <exception caught here> ---
farirat commented 10 months ago

Hello @idevsoftware Can you please share clear steps to reproduce the issue ?

idevsoftware commented 10 months ago

Hi @farirat, thanks for getting back to me. Unfortunately we don't have a clear path to reproduce the issue - we just leave Jasmin running and doing its business as usual until the problem described above arises. I'm not sure under what conditions the error is triggered, but if you could point me on how to collect debug data I'd be happy to provide with detailed log files the next time this occurs.

blankstatic commented 10 months ago

@farirat Hi! I'm have a similar problem on docker image jookies/jasmin:0.10.12. Appreciate any assistance.

farirat commented 10 months ago

Is it related to one of these:

Can you let a tcpdump snooping rabbitmq traffic with jasmin and save a pcap file, share it once the problem arise, please consider the confidentiality of the data you'll share in the pcap file.

idevsoftware commented 10 months ago

Hi @farirat, to answer your questions:

Unfortunately I can't grab a tcpdump because the SMPP connections handled by Jasmin go through IPSec tunnels that are established by the same machine, and tcpdump can't inspect traffic going through the tunnels.

farirat commented 10 months ago


I dont need smpp traffic, only amqp traffic (between jasmin and rabbit)

idevsoftware commented 10 months ago

Thanks @farirat, I was able to capture traffic when the issue happened. What's the best way to privately send you a .pcap file?