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Jasmin - Open source SMS gateway
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[ask] connecting sms communication between Jasmin smpp server with network simulator #1135

Open veenone opened 9 months ago

veenone commented 9 months ago

Hello all, sorry I'm really new within smpp topic. Currently I have a difficulty understanding the communication connection between Jasmin as SMPP server with external connection (network simulator in this case) to deliver sms from client to the target mobile phone.

please find my simple diagram below. jasmin

my question is how to transfer the sms message sent by client to the network simulator using a websocket connection ? so the sms data to be transformed into different format. is this functionality supported by Jasmin? or any ideas how to bridge this communication?

thank you

farirat commented 9 months ago

Hello @veenone

I understand your network simulator (?) component is exposing a websocket (only ?) interface ?

If this is correct, then you need a smpp/websocket adaptor.

There's a bunch of solutions you can adopt, is a http to websocket/sse gateway, but you still need to make jasmin talk http (this is a paid plugin).

There's also the apache camel way (requiring dev/design skills), it takes smpp connector to a multitude of other protocols including websockets.

WSO2 APIM is a product based on apache camel, it offers such a feature:

It's up to you to choose your path

veenone commented 9 months ago

Hello @farirat , yes you are correct. There is api to send sms through this specific port in json format provided by the network simulator.

So from what I understood, in order to make the complete connection, thera are 2 ways:

  1. I can purchase jasmin plugin to allow communication in http, then forward this output by utilizing the sms-api-server to forward the message to the network simulator

  2. Utilizing wso2 api to connect with jasmin, then forward the data to network simulator using http

Is my understanding correct?

Thank you very much for your explanation

farirat commented 9 months ago

Yes, that's correct.

Keep in mind sms is bi-directionnal where any protocol/solution you may consider must provide the following types of sms: