jookies / jasmin

Jasmin - Open source SMS gateway
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Low TPS! #1168

Open vaska94 opened 6 months ago

vaska94 commented 6 months ago

Hello, we are getting super low TPS 15-20 on Jasmin, we have Gigabit VPN Directly to Mobile Operator. I have found that changing: yield self.amqpBroker.chan.basic_qos(prefetch_count=1) from 1 too 100 in jasmin/managers/ boosted speed to around 40-50 TPS. increasing submit_throughput doesn't help either. Any Ideas how to speed up even more? on Mobile operator side there are no limits. Hardware is also quite decent jasmin runs on NVME, 32 RAM, New Xeon CPUs. p.s: we are sending messages via HTTP api to smpp

magojr commented 6 months ago

We also experienced slow HTTP TPS but we tried to "remove" the Jasmin part and bench just the http overhead founding that it's the bottleneck. Switching from HTPP to SMPP we speed up from 18 to 140 TPS. The point is HTTP api must re-enstablish the connection for every message, SMPP take the connection active and reuse it; messages flows on the (already opened) connection and the (slow) network and I/O resources are not anymore the bottleneck.

I'm not sure if it is also your case, hope it may be helpful.