jookies / jasmin

Jasmin - Open source SMS gateway
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Got this when trying to send trough new connector: (<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>): %d format: a number is required, not str #481

Closed jancss closed 7 years ago

jancss commented 7 years ago

Hi guys, just getting into Jasmin, seems great so far...

While trying to send a message through the http api:


I get this in the messages.log:

2016-10-04 20:05:52 CRITICAL 1 Rejecting SubmitSmPDU[93edd324-bce3-42d0-8c52-bce2443f99c9] through [cid:connector1] for an unknown error (<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>): %d format: a number is required, not str

Any ideas or maybe way to get the full traceback? (I'm running Jasmin on Docker, Ubuntu 16.04) It all works perfectly when sending through a different connector.


farirat commented 7 years ago

Hi, what release version ? and can you provide tcp capture of smpp traffic ?

jancss commented 7 years ago

Hi, this is Jasmin 0.9.b9.

The only smpp traffic to that specific connector is related to keeping the connection alive. Seems logical since the submitsmpdu gets rejected.

.....;...M....E. .^."@.?.......S. ea.....$?....j.. ..z@.......1.... .....*.......... ..[user].[password] C7..4..None.

This is the incoming request made from my phone.

...M.......;..E. .../@.+.V....... ..|y.y.y.=.".... ...:......./.z.1 ..GET./send?user name=foo&passwo rd=bar&content= testing&to=[mynumber] .HTTP/1.1. .Host:.[myip ]:1401..Conne ction:.keep-aliv e..Upgrade-Insec ure-Requests:.1. .Accept:.text/ht ml,application/x html+xml,applica tion/xml;q=0.9, /;q=0.8..User-A gent:.Mozilla/5. 0.(iPhone;.CPU.i Phone.OS.10_0_1. like.Mac.OS.X).A ppleWebKit/602.1 .50.(KHTML,.like .Gecko).Version/ 10.0.Mobile/14A4 03.Safari/602.1. .Accept-Language :.en-us..Cache-C ontrol:.max-age= 0..Accept-Encodi ng:.gzip,.deflat

farirat commented 7 years ago

Seems weird issue, are you sending really to _[mynumber]_ or you're just censozing your number ? if the latter then is your number a normal msisdn ? can you send a part of it or just change one or 2 chars in it and share it ?

jancss commented 7 years ago

Sure, its my real number, Im just censoring it. As I said, through a different smpp connector everything works fine.

My number looks like this: 5698422222 (56 country code for Chile, then the rest, last 5 digits changed)

And the http API validates input, since putting down a string instead of a number would yield a 400 error. My input gets 200 and the following in the http-api.log:

2016-10-06 13:07:49 INFO 1 SMS-MT [uid:test_user] [cid:connector1] [msgid:a2109ace-303b-4309-b365-f38681b997cb] [prio:0] [dlr:No] [from:None] [to:5698422222] [content:testing]

farirat commented 7 years ago

ok, ca you take a tcp capture using tcpdump ? i need to see what's happening on the wire between jasmin and your provider.

jancss commented 7 years ago

Nothing specific happens when I try to send the far as I can tell its just keeping the connection alive.

tcpdump -vvv -nn -XX dst

tcpdump: listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes 17:38:28.016153 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 63, id 58504, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 60) > Flags [S], cksum 0x7a1e (incorrect -> 0x1ca8), seq 2018463893, win 29200, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 57652253 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0 0x0000: 02e5 aa18 0d3b 02db 974d a70b 0800 4500 .....;...M....E. 0x0010: 003c e488 4000 3f06 dd43 ac1f 14da 5395 .<..@.?..C....S. 0x0020: 6561 b40a 0adc 784f 5095 0000 0000 a002 ea....xOP....... 0x0030: 7210 7a1e 0000 0204 05b4 0402 080a 036f r.z............o 0x0040: b41d 0000 0000 0103 0307 .......... 17:38:28.194029 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 63, id 58505, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52) > Flags [.], cksum 0x7a16 (incorrect -> 0x125b), seq 2018463894, ack 145242925, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 57652298 ecr 3371081027], length 0 0x0000: 02e5 aa18 0d3b 02db 974d a70b 0800 4500 .....;...M....E. 0x0010: 0034 e489 4000 3f06 dd4a ac1f 14da 5395 .4..@.?..J....S. 0x0020: 6561 b40a 0adc 784f 5096 08a8 3b2d 8010 ea....xOP...;-.. 0x0030: 00e5 7a16 0000 0101 080a 036f b44a c8ee ..z........o.J.. 0x0040: 9d43 .C 17:38:28.195156 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 63, id 58506, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 94) > Flags [P.], cksum 0x7a40 (incorrect -> 0xaafa), seq 0:42, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 57652298 ecr 3371081027], length 42 0x0000: 02e5 aa18 0d3b 02db 974d a70b 0800 4500 .....;...M....E. 0x0010: 005e e48a 4000 3f06 dd1f ac1f 14da 5395 .^..@.?.......S. 0x0020: 6561 b40a 0adc 784f 5096 08a8 3b2d 8018 ea....xOP...;-.. 0x0030: 00e5 7a40 0000 0101 080a 036f b44a c8ee ..z@.......o.J.. 0x0040: 9d43 0000 002a 0000 0009 0000 0000 0000 .C...*.......... 0x0050: 0001 636f 6e6e 6563 3100 4546 3746 3638 ..[user].[password] 0x0060: 4337 0000 3400 004e 6f6e 6500 C7..4..None.

jancss commented 7 years ago

Btw, this is the connector configuration:

smppccm -s connector1 ripf 0 con_fail_delay 10 dlr_expiry 86400 coding 0 logrotate midnight submit_throughput 1 elink_interval 150 bind_to 30 port 2780 con_fail_retry yes password [password] src_addr None bind_npi 0 addr_range None dst_ton 1 res_to 120 def_msg_id 0 priority 0 con_loss_retry yes username [user] dst_npi 1 validity None requeue_delay 120 host src_npi 1 trx_to 300 logfile //var/log/jasmin/default-connector1.log systype ssl no cid connector1 loglevel 20 bind transceiver proto_id None dlr_msgid 0 con_loss_delay 10 bind_ton 0 pdu_red_to 10 src_ton 0

farirat commented 7 years ago

please give me the file from this command:

tcpdump -s0 -w dump.pcap dst
jancss commented 7 years ago

There you go.

farirat commented 7 years ago

I can only see bind and unbinds ... Can you provide access to your system ? share to

jancss commented 7 years ago

mailed you! thanks!

jancss commented 7 years ago

Hello! Any possible progress on this or way I could help? Thanks!

crazydavidoff commented 7 years ago

Hi, have the same problem, @jancss did you solve this ? @farirat ?

jancss commented 7 years ago

Sadly I've found no solution to this. Had to change my provider.

jancss commented 7 years ago

For what its worth, it has now started happening on a fresh install with a smpp client that previously worked (same config as before).

Duologic commented 7 years ago

I'm experiencing this error also, on 0.9b15, here is a stacktrace I've collected so far:

[Failure instance: Traceback: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: %d format: a number is required, not str
--- <exception caught here> ---

It ends up in jasmin/vendor/smpp/pdu/ where it says raise ValueError("Value %d exceeds max %d" % (value, self.max))

Duologic commented 7 years ago

I'm still investigating, I'm not sure where self.max comes from, probably a setting on smppc.

Duologic commented 7 years ago

I've isolated the problem as the _encode is indirectly called via PDUEncode.encodeBody(): body += self.encodeRequiredParams(pdu.mandatoryParams, self.getRequiredParamEncoders(pdu), pdu.params)

With me it dies on _encode(value) with value = None, when I check the pdu.params, the only value being 'None' is 'address_range':

PDU [command: bind_transceiver, sequence_number: 1, command_status: ESME_ROK
system_id: '<hidden>'
password: '<hidden>'
system_type: ''
interface_version: 52
addr_ton: 'ABBREVIATED'
addr_npi: 'PRIVATE'
address_range: 'None'

So it looks like the 'address_range' is a problem here... I'm looking further which setting is responsible for this.

jancss commented 7 years ago

Awesome job! Would love to know more.

Duologic commented 7 years ago

It went a bit further and I found the malicious parameter, it looks like it is parameter_id.

{'priority_flag': EnumValue(<jasmin.vendor.enum.Enum object at 0x3d33550>, 0, 'LEVEL_0'), 'source_addr': '1111', 'protocol_id': 'None', 'registered_delivery': RegisteredDelivery[receipt: NO_SMSC_DELIVERY_RECEIPT_REQUESTED, smeOriginatedAcks: set([]), intermediateNotification: False], 'replace_if_present_flag': 'DO_NOT_REPLACE', 'dest_addr_ton': 'INTERNATIONAL', 'source_addr_npi': 'ISDN', 'schedule_delivery_time': None, 'dest_addr_npi': 'ISDN', 'esm_class': EsmClass[mode: STORE_AND_FORWARD, type: DEFAULT, gsmFeatures: set([])], 'data_coding': DataCoding[scheme: DEFAULT,schemeData: SMSC_DEFAULT_ALPHABET], 'service_type': None, 'source_addr_ton': 'UNKNOWN', 'sm_default_msg_id': 0, 'validity_period': None, 'destination_addr': '+123456789', 'short_message': 'fajlf'}
[Failure instance: Traceback: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: %d format: a number is required, not str

The is not written for readability which made it hard to crack the code. Let me see if I can set the protocol_id somewhere.

Duologic commented 7 years ago

Setting proto_id on the smppc to 1 made it work again.

I think it became 'None' or '0' because I ran smppccm -s NAME, copy paste the config and later used it as an input for smppccm -a NAME.

Maybe Jasmin can fix the output of smppccm -s to show the values that can be used as input again? addr_range, validity and proto_id had 'None' or '0' as default value in my config, a quick look in some of the spec's makes it look like it should be '1'.

terricain commented 7 years ago

@Duologic :+1: Yep I reckon copying a config from a slightly older version of jasmin to a newer one is what caused this for me as now I've set proto_id its all good.

farirat commented 7 years ago

Ok guys, this time i've catched the issue and reproduced it, it's still running on 0.9rc22.

Please follow #578 as i'll update on that stream, closing this one as "duplicate to #578"