Featured articles are reordered using a drag and drop tecnhnique. This doesnt work on an iPad. In a prior joomla release (2.5?) I believe reordering was possible as it used up / down buttons or a number sequence?
With the development of tablets it is now perfectly feasible to manage a site from a tablet as opposed to a pc. However this is one limitation that stops full maintenance being possible
Featured articles are reordered using a drag and drop tecnhnique. This doesnt work on an iPad. In a prior joomla release (2.5?) I believe reordering was possible as it used up / down buttons or a number sequence?
With the development of tablets it is now perfectly feasible to manage a site from a tablet as opposed to a pc. However this is one limitation that stops full maintenance being possible
Expected result
Able to reorder featured articles
Actual result
Nothing happens on ipad
System information (as much as possible)
Additional comments