joomla / joomla-websites

This repository is for reporting issues with the websites only. Please report issues with the Joomla CMS at
45 stars 50 forks source link -multiple issues #1170

Closed brianteeman closed 5 years ago

brianteeman commented 5 years ago

extra word in the footer is a free website service is provided to the general public by,

terms of service link goes to borked page with no css or js -How it works? Find out more link goes to a pricing page

When you try to launch a new site you are asked for a cloudaccess password

Sandra97 commented 5 years ago

Thanks Brian. I just reported all that to the CA team.

jeckodevelopment commented 5 years ago

When you try to launch a new site you are asked for a cloudaccess password

this happens only when you try to use an email address who is already registered.

jonathanCA commented 5 years ago

@brianteeman thank you for the feedback, the wording and links will be fixed immediately

jeckodevelopment is right, the password prompt comes up if an email address is used which already has an account. We will take the opportunity to make this more clear as well.

Thanks everyone!

brianteeman commented 5 years ago

An account where? To the best of my knowledge I don't have an account with cloudaccess

Sandra97 commented 5 years ago

But you may have had an account to the previous platform and had received an email with 3 options

brianteeman commented 5 years ago

Yes I did have one of those but you wouldn't know the password. If that's the reason for this message then it needs massively rewriting

jonathanCA commented 5 years ago

The password prompt is for people who already have a account with the email address used during the launch. We are updating the text to make this a bit more clear, and adding a forgot password section.

@brianteeman please message me the email address that you used and I'll confirm.. probably you had launched a test account many years ago. We'll gladly remove the data if you would like :)

brianteeman commented 5 years ago

i guess it must be an old ca account. as i was able to register with a disposable account. After which I was taken to

This page is broken - the dropdown menus dont work

template.min.js?v=28052018:4te  Uncaught TypeError: t.element.dropdown is not a function
    at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (template.min.js?v=28052018:4)
    at HTMLAnchorElement.handle (jquery.min.js?9f50f1…c7f5199877b265891:3)
    at HTMLAnchorElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js?9f50f1…c7f5199877b265891:3)
    at HTMLAnchorElement.r.handle (jquery.min.js?9f50f1…c7f5199877b265891:3)
jonathanCA commented 5 years ago

Nice catch Brian, our team will get the thanks.html page menu resolved ASAP

brianteeman commented 5 years ago

You might want to block some potentially embarrassing subdomain s as well. They were blocked on the old system but as you will see I just claimed one that's nsfw

jonathanCA commented 5 years ago

Yes, we have a blacklist for our other subdomains, this can be applied to as well. Task posted 👍

brianteeman commented 5 years ago

Today I got 4 emails for the sites that have been transferred from SG. It is the same email as if I had signed up today. Perhaps it would be better if it stated something about it being transferred from sg

none of the option 1 joomla logins work

no idea what the username and password is for the option 2 ccp login would be

thought it would probably be related to the email address that I received the notifications at but when I tried that email address in the forgot password box it said that the email address was not recognised.

jonathanCA commented 5 years ago

Thank you Brian - there is a subsequent email you will receive (or maybe already have) that outlines this. I agree the workflow can be improved, we are looking at it closely as migrations continue.

jonathanCA commented 5 years ago

I've confirmed with our team, the "Welcome to (siteground import)" notification is only going to people who do not already have an account with us. Your primary email has an account from long ago. Still, we think it will confuse others as well, so we are updating the logic.

brianteeman commented 5 years ago

Doesn't address the login issues though

jonathanCA commented 5 years ago

Thanks Brian, logins are all fully functional. We have also revised the message to existing clients to make sure they are crystal clear.

We really appreciate your feedback here!.. remind me to loop you into future product releases ;-)

brianteeman commented 5 years ago

The joomla login details in the email are now working

I havent received any "existing client" email

I still can't login to the ccp as i dont know the password and the forgotten password function doesnt work as it is says "No client account was found with the email address you entered"

ot2sen commented 5 years ago

@jonathanCA couldn´t find where to report issues so adding to this open one. Tried creating a site about 3 hours ago and haven´t received any mail for confirmation yet

jonathanCA commented 5 years ago

Hi! Yes this is a good place to post :) Could you message your email address to us? I will have our team track it. FWIW, we have not seen any gaps or problems with provisioning that would explain the issue you are seeing, so it's likely an email delivery problem.

ot2sen commented 5 years ago

Message sent with details of email, server chosen and subdomian chosen to your contact here.

jonathanCA commented 5 years ago

Thank you Ole, we are looking into it now. I did a quick check and I see your account was created, our Platform Team will review the case and I'll update you via email.

wojsmol commented 5 years ago

Hi @jonathanCA Please see issue and assist if passible.

wojsmol commented 5 years ago

@jonathanCA On Oops, something went wrong... please check back in a bit. error page link to CCP in last paragraph has badly quoted href attribute

If you continue to see this error message please submit a support ticket in your <a href="””">Cloud Control Panel</a> and the Team would be happy to help.
jonathanCA commented 5 years ago

Thank you, I will have out team look into this. Feedback is greatly appreciated!

wojsmol commented 5 years ago

@jonathanCA I created a free account with Joomla! 4.0 alpha pre-installed via advanced options on, below are issues i notes:

  1. No password to ccp was provident in any mail - resolved by reseating the password via email.
  2. Login to Joomla! install not working from ccp with error:

Error Data collection error. Please contact Support

I submitet the ticket and IMHO CA support team is not properly inform about - details can be see in CA ticket system for domain with my github login. Now I waiting to check the CA policy for manually installed Joomla! 4.0 alpha - this website is not manually installed. Please assist.

jonathanCA commented 5 years ago

Hi Wojciech, thank you for bringing these concerns to our attention. See our inline comments:

  1. No password to ccp was provident in any mail - resolved by reseating the password via email. <<<The way it is currently setup is, immediately after clicking the email verification link, new account holders are prompted to create a password for CCP (screenshot ). We don't email the full login details after that for security reasons.

  2. Login to Joomla! install not working from ccp with error: Data collection error. Please contact Support <<<This is a tricky issue. With the nightly builds of Joomla 4, we aren't able to provide some CCP functionality. This is due to the fact that the Joomla codebase changes on a nightly basis. The best solution here is more transparency for users. When selecting the "Login" button in CCP, a message needs to come up stating "Auto-login not available for this version of Joomla, please refer to email for instructions on how to log in manually." There are better solutions, but this is something we can put in place immediately to avoid any future confusion.

  3. Regarding our support team, I do see that they provided incorrect information to you in the ticket. We will use this as a chance to improve their knowledge and processes.

Thanks again - and if you see any further issues or improvements, don't hesitate to post them. Our goal here is a completely seamless system that is used by all.. constant improvement is how we get there 👍

jonathanCA commented 5 years ago

Just following up, I think we can close this as corrective action had been taken on reported issues and the migration has long since been completed.