joomla / joomla-websites

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[general] Update from PHP 5.4 #127

Closed mbabker closed 7 years ago

mbabker commented 8 years ago

All Joomla web properties are running PHP 5.4. PHP 5.4 is no longer supported by the PHP project. Joomla's web properties should be updated to a supported stable version of PHP. Joomla 2.5 and 3.x will run without errors (from core) on PHP 5.6, as will our Framework based websites (the Framework site itself and the issue tracker). Software that will not function on supported PHP versions needs to be identified for upgrade and placed on a fast track for the upgrade to be completed.

Known sites that will fail without core hacks on an upgraded PHP version:

Sites on server needing update:

wilsonge commented 8 years ago

OK so let's replace with a single php file to server the help screens .htaccess redirect the index2.php to index.php

Radek-Suski commented 8 years ago

Are there any plans to upgrade or merge it with ?

mbabker commented 8 years ago

The help site is offline now and replaced with a mini-app to handle the legacy help screens in 1.0 and 1.5 and give a simple landing page with navigation for web requests. So that's no longer an issue.

brianteeman commented 8 years ago

Do you think its worth adding a link to the docs site in the text Perhaps The Joomla Help Site has been taken offline please see

mbabker commented 8 years ago

I'm always fair game for improvements on the sites, especially since I push a lot of MVP style stuff. I put that site's code on a GitHub repo for a reason.

mbabker commented 8 years ago

@joomla/webmasters This requires action ASAP. If a site cannot be upgraded past PHP 5.4, then it should either be moved to a legacy server or using Rochen's current setup the PHP versions for each domain managed at WHM/CPanel level instead of server wide. Also if the site is not being pegged for an update, there had better be a strong reason for it and someone needs to document what security measures are being taken to keep those sites safe. Considering there are properties running EOL software (Joomla 1.5) on EOL PHP versions, and the latest round of security issues which JSST felt important enough to patch for unsupported software, there are now significant security issues for running anything < PHP 5.6 and Joomla 3.4.7.

Radek-Suski commented 8 years ago

Could we have a check list of sites that aren't compatible. As I can see events site is running currently on 5.4.38

mbabker commented 8 years ago

For the Joomla installs, any remaining 1.5 sites are iffy on 5.5 or 5.6. Don't know enough about phpBB to speak on its needs. Everything else should be upgradeable I think.

On Friday, December 25, 2015, Radek Suski wrote:

Could we have a check list of sites that aren't compatible. As I can see events site is running currently on 5.4.38

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Radek-Suski commented 8 years ago

So basically ( @sanderpotjer ) I guess

mbabker commented 8 years ago

jdev002 (PHP 5.5) and joomla-org (PHP 5.6) servers are updated. joomla-misc cannot be updated as long as we have 1.5 installs on it. And I can't speak for JED or the forum on what it'll take them to update.

mbabker commented 7 years ago

@joomla/webmasters Anyone got an issue with the joomla-misc server being upgraded to MySQL 5.6? Rochen opened a ticket and want to upgrade that server's MySQL and PHP versions; I've already given guidance this isn't feasible at the moment for PHP but I want to make sure MySQL isn't an issue.

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

@sam-suresh please check compatibilty for the Exam Platform.

anibalsanchez commented 7 years ago

I'm late to the party! Michael kindly point me to this ticket. is also running on PHP 5.4.

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

@mandville can you please check?

mbabker commented 7 years ago

@joomla/webmasters Since so many have been looking to update the server to PHP 5.6, we're looking into options to move the showcase site and let everyone else get updated. With that said, so we can move quickly when we reach an actionable point, please confirm your sites will run without error on a PHP 5.6 build.

Sandra97 commented 7 years ago

The landing page works fine on PHP 7 so I presume we should not have any issue on PHP 5.6.

mbabker commented 7 years ago

It's already on a 5.6 server (live and sandbox), not too worried there. It's our "catch all" server that has everything I need confirmation on.

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

@mbabker can you publish a list of websites on that server so each webmaster can "check and confirm" with a task list here?

mbabker commented 7 years ago

It's in the comments at the top of the issue 😉

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

was it already there? (so, tbh i didn't scroll up previously)

mbabker commented 7 years ago

I added it when I added the all call.

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

thank you Michael :D

Sandra97 commented 7 years ago

JDocs can run on PHP 5.6

wilsonge commented 7 years ago

Magazine is good on php 7 so by definition assume it's fine on 5.6

sam-suresh commented 7 years ago should work. I suggest set a fixed time window with Rochen and announce it to prevent people panic and shout!! Site owners too can check during the upgrade time window for possible problems.

mbabker commented 7 years ago

That'll definitely be coordinated. That's why I'm trying to do the leg work now so things can move quickly because independently reaching out to me and through tickets direct to Rochen almost every team with a site on this server has tried to get it upgraded.

On Friday, August 5, 2016, Sam Suresh wrote: should work. I suggest set a fixed time window with Rochen and announce it to prevent people panic and shout!! Site owners too can check during the upgrade time window for possible problems.

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jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago and will work.

anibalsanchez commented 7 years ago

VEL has only RSforms

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

@anibalsanchez RS Forms should work properly also on PHP 5.6

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

@mbabker I guess that will work properly, because it's a new version. Right? @Joomv

mbabker commented 7 years ago

I make no assumptions because extension developers are slow to make their code compatible with anything new or to refactor away from "legacy" structures. Just this weekend I made the mistake of turning error reporting on a dev site to full while working on PHP 7 with extensions released in the last few months that STILL use PHP 4 style constructors.

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

yes, in fact I tried to involve also @Joomv who is in charge for CJO.

Joomv commented 7 years ago

I am pretty sure it will run 7 - although maqma could be an issue (only thing I haven't tested thoroughly on 7). I think it would be sensible to go to 5.6.x first - then I can clone and test on 7 rather than a switch and pray, I don't think there are any blockers, but I like to err on the side of caution.

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

thank you @Joomv We'll update to 5.6! :)

Joomv commented 7 years ago

I believe the installation of Cloud Linux will allow webmasters to set their php versions as a cpanel level, if so, then each site can tweak as they see fit.

Is this right?

From: Luca Marzo [] Sent: 08 August 2016 13:57 To: joomla/joomla-websites Cc: Rowan Hoskyns Abrahall; Mention Subject: Re: [joomla/joomla-websites] [general] Update from PHP 5.4 (#127)

thank you @Joomv
We'll update to 5.6! :)

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mbabker commented 7 years ago


mbabker commented 7 years ago

Even after CloudLinux was installed there are still a lot of sites running PHP 5.4...

Joomv commented 7 years ago

CJO is on 7 now.

sebastienlapoux commented 7 years ago

Hi, Will be done on Showcase site some days after the launch of the new site J3, so in October.

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

@sebastienlapoux , can I ask you why after the launch? Let me remind that, if there will be some compatibility issues, it could be useful to "discover" and fix them before the official launch.

sebastienlapoux commented 7 years ago

@jeckodevelopment because currently the old site is on J1.5. Current site and new one are on the same instance.

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

ok, thank you for clarifying this!

mbabker commented 7 years ago

Unless there's a hidden directive somewhere the CloudLinux installation applies on a per-account basis (so each subdomain), not per-directory.

wilsonge commented 7 years ago

Just checked volunteers and it's running 5.6

sanderpotjer commented 7 years ago is actually running PHP 7 now ;-)

wilsonge commented 7 years ago

I thought about it earlier but decided without testing might not have been a good idea :P

sanderpotjer commented 7 years ago

@wilsonge wise decision, a small fix was needed first

mbabker commented 7 years ago

Can we please close this out? And if you're running a site where you legitimately cannot upgrade past PHP 5.4, tell us what you need to make it happen.

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

@mbabker TM website is currently on PHP 5.4. I don't have access to cPanel to pick a newer version. @SpiritJC can you please choose another PHP version? Otherwise @mbabker can you please do it?

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

@jeckodevelopment any updates?