joomla / joomla-websites

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45 stars 50 forks source link - Refused to load ... because it violates the CSP #1291

Closed anibalsanchez closed 4 years ago

anibalsanchez commented 5 years ago

There is a console CSP error on the main site.

Refused to load the font '<URL>' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "font-src 'self' <URL> <URL>".

A font is not being loaded.

mbabker commented 5 years ago

Please provide specific page(s). I'm not seeing any CSP related errors.

PhilETaylor commented 5 years ago

screenshot 2019-01-23 at 12 50 18

mbabker commented 5 years ago
screen shot 2019-01-23 at 6 53 04 am
mbabker commented 5 years ago

Either way @zero-24 sees these CSP violation reports so maybe has something actionable to work with because I clearly don't.

mbabker commented 5 years ago

Also, AFAIR we don't serve any fonts in WOFF2 format (except maybe the Google Font resources), so I have no idea what's trying to inject those fonts and causing the CSP violation in the first place.

PhilETaylor commented 5 years ago

That brings in all kinds of crap...

mbabker commented 5 years ago

Well, if I'm guessing right, the issue is in their CSS for the Roboto font...

[...]src:local('Roboto Medium Italic'),local('Roboto-MediumItalic'),url(//'woff2')[...] is a whitelisted domain in our CSP rules already. The errors you've posted are all data URIs. I'm assuming this means it's trying to use Roboto fonts installed on your local PC and that is triggering the CSP error (I don't have Roboto fonts locally and I guess this is why I don't have the reports).

PhilETaylor commented 5 years ago

the solution would be to change from

font-src 'self' https://*;


font-src 'self' data: https://*;

but not sure if you would want to :) especially if the fonts are never really being used and only imported by some third party plugin website that just displays a youtube video without setting a cookie...

if only we did not have to invent ways to break the internet... like, not setting cookies...

brianteeman commented 5 years ago

YouTube can be embedded without cookies so no need for anything else to handle that.

mbabker commented 5 years ago

The domain is already used as well. So it's nothing to do with getting around cookie usage.

PhilETaylor commented 5 years ago

You misunderstand. The domain is loading css, that then refers to fonts using data: urls - its not using urls on their domain, its using data: prefixed base64 strings

The policy specifically states (by omission) that the page should not load/trust urls from the data: protocol's policy specifically doesnt allow data: urls to be used for fonts. This will cause the issue.

Either policy needs to allow data: urls or except that there are errors or remove the plugin that uses code from

mbabker commented 5 years ago

It's not a plugin. We're just using an iframe to include the videos using the domain (really, look at the HTML source and try to find any of that garbage HTML plugins and modules add 😉). Blindly allowing all data: URIs for fonts isn't an acceptable solution, might as well just turn off the CSPs at that point, and taking videos off the homepage (or for that matter the entire domain) I suggest isn't an option we're going to put on the table either.

PhilETaylor commented 5 years ago

Then I suggest you stop using the iframe which is loading loads of html/js/css and not just html needed to display a video...

That would solve the issue.

mbabker commented 5 years ago

If you know of a non-iframe based way to embed YouTube videos, I'm all eyes.

PhilETaylor commented 5 years ago

Sorry let me rephrase.

Stop using the iframe from and use the official iframe solution from youtube which, according to @brianteeman allows you to not set cookies (although I cannot find a link for you in my quick searching)

mbabker commented 5 years ago is the no cookie option. The other choice is to iframe which includes their cookies.

PhilETaylor commented 5 years ago

oh I thought youtube-nocookie was a non-official project. oh well.

Then you are screwed. :)

brianteeman commented 5 years ago

If you know of a non-iframe based way to embed YouTube videos, I'm all eyes.


PhilETaylor commented 5 years ago

oembed just gives you a json with the same iframe html in it, which ultimately still loads the fonts...

height: 344,
width: 459,
title: "dragons. geese. Michael Vick. (ft. T-Pain) // Auto-Tune the News #8",
thumbnail_width: 480,
thumbnail_height: 360,
html: "<iframe width="459" height="344" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>",
provider_name: "YouTube",
version: "1.0",
author_url: "",
author_name: "schmoyoho",
thumbnail_url: "",
provider_url: "",
type: "video"
zero-24 commented 5 years ago

Well I would be happy to help here but please tell me how you get the errors I can also not reproduce it? All looks clear to me in the browser console? Nothing in chrome and nothing in Firefox too.

A font is not being loaded.

Does this have any affect on your end as i would expect the online fonts being loaded in that case? Can you please confirm or negate that you have the font installed locally and whether this can be fixed by temporary uninstalling them?

anibalsanchez commented 5 years ago


So, the issue seems to be related to Chrome.

mbabker commented 5 years ago

Err, no it's not. I use Chrome, I don't have CSP issues (as shown in my screenshot). Maybe Google is doing something at their end to change the font stack in their YouTube embeds for different browsers, you'd have to inspect the HTML of the iframe to validate this though.

conconnl commented 4 years ago

Closed - Old issue, CSP has been changed on different factors since then. A reporting system is running to provide use the feedback of any CSP conflict. If issue arise we will be noticed.