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[] Banner image #254

Closed Sandra97 closed 7 years ago

Sandra97 commented 8 years ago

Even if this homepage is supposed to be redesigned, would it be possible for the Marketing Team to provide a temporary new and up to date image for the homepage? Thanks!

mikeveeckmans commented 8 years ago

the top image ?

Sandra97 commented 8 years ago


mikeveeckmans commented 8 years ago

on it. which size(s) do you need ?

Sandra97 commented 8 years ago

You can do the new ones with the same size as the current ones:

mbabker commented 8 years ago

Even better if you optimize it for each of the 3 template breakpoints it shows on :wink:

Sandra97 commented 8 years ago

Agree, would be even better! @mikeveeckmans, I'll indicate you the exact size for the 3 pics.

mikeveeckmans commented 8 years ago

Thank you!

Sandra97 commented 8 years ago

@mikeveeckmans, here the sizes:

coolcat-creations commented 8 years ago

Can we place the text completely in the header module?

Sandra97 commented 8 years ago

You mean adding HTML text in the module and not putting it on the image? If it's this, I fully agree. PS: I don't know why, but MAT keeps asking 'pass me the milk'. Weird

coolcat-creations commented 8 years ago

please check the draft - open for suggestions! I think the buttons need at least a bit explanation


Sandra97 commented 8 years ago

I like the left part (MAT too). Not really fan of the right part. I think we should keep some "screens" on the right (not the one we currently have, not modern at all). And of course, '50 million' is (hopefully) out of date and no need to mention twice 'extensions' ;)

Hils commented 8 years ago

A comment on colours: the colours of the two download buttons on that screenshot, and the two demo buttons, really should be the same but I guess you have that planned.

One of our crowning glories is our logo - shouldn't the main logo on the main page be in colour?

Sandra97 commented 8 years ago

Just a note... We're not in charge of the re-design of the homepage (another team is in charge of it). My concern is to have a header image that can be displayed correctly on smartphones and tablets and which presents up to date information.

Hils commented 8 years ago

Understood @Sandra97 - I was replying to this :

"please check the draft - open for suggestions!" from @designbengel

coolcat-creations commented 8 years ago

@Hils I think the Logo is also in colour at the top, and i try to leave the new header as solid as possible. Thank you for the remarks regarding the button-colour!

Sandra97 commented 7 years ago

New header is implemented. Closing this issue. Re-open if needed.