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[TM] Make a list of trade marks #274

Closed mbabker closed 7 years ago

mbabker commented 8 years ago

There should be a list somewhere of the trade marks the Joomla project is claiming that way everyone's on the same page, and somewhere explaining either why these marks are claimed or how the project has decided to apply a mark on these terms. Personal opinion, claiming a mark on "Joomla! Trademark & Licensing™" seems really excessive here...

brianteeman commented 8 years ago

Not really an issue for this list surely ;)

MATsxm commented 8 years ago

a good example:

@mbabker even so, "Joomla! Trademark & Licensing™" would be the right way, not: "Joomla!® Trademark and Licensing" since Joomla! is already protected by a Registered Trademark.

ghost commented 8 years ago

We'll create a list with trademarks as soon as possible and publish it on the TLWG website.

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

Still nothing, then let's start with a proposal to be completed.

Intro Text

A trademark can be a word, phrase, symbol, or design that distinguishes the source of the goods or services.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of Joomla’s trademarks and service marks.

For more information on how to use Joomla’s trademarks, refer to the document available in several languages: Proper use of the Joomla! name or contact the Trademark & Licensing Team.

Joomla's Trademarks Type ®™℠ Note
Joomla!® Registered Trademark ® How to use it
The Joomla! Project™ Trademark ™ How to use it
The Joomla! CMS™ Trademark ™ How to use it
The Joomla! Framework™ Trademark ™ How to use it
The Joomla! Certification Program™ Trademark ™ How to use it
The Joomla! Community Portal™ Trademark ™ How to use it
The Joomla! Developer Network™ Trademark ™ How to use it
The Joomla! Documentation™ Trademark ™ How to use it
The Joomla! World Conference™ Trademark ™ How to use it
The Joomla! Events Site™ Trademark ™ How to use it
The Joomla! Extensions Directory™ Trademark ™ How to use it

To be continued...


Hils commented 7 years ago

Just a note. Trademarked & Registered where and by which body? A search for Joomla in the UK site just gives JOOMLA! and Joomla! as being registered.

(Is the Joomla! Community Magazine registered?)

Radek-Suski commented 7 years ago

Some more info:

As far I know, only Joomla! (word and image) are registered. Nothing more and there is no need for it IMHO

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

@Hils the Joomla! word and logo are Registered Trademarks in several countries. The discussion is about the "derived" forms... like the Joomla! Extensions Directory and so on. They're simple trademarks, without registration.

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

@MATsxm please fix the first task: "link to how" now it's "haow".

TM Team was working on a list... here are some TMs to be added to your list:

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

@jeckodevelopment Glad to hear about... After 3 months, just wanted to be the firestarter... and help to fix a list that need no more than 1 hour to be built. Please see the: "To be continued" and there are also few more to add than the once you have listed.

@Hils Please see:

screenshot-tmsearch uspto gov 2016-07-25 07-04-51

Those are the only 2 Registered Trademarks and enough to claim action worldwide (a bit more complicated in China, but this is the principe). Then no, the Joomla! Community Magazine is NOT registered and no need to be.

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

@MATsxm I know that it took a while... TM Team had some troubles to face... but, we should have the complete list very soon.

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

Then I have to conclude that firestarter is not enough?

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

Meeting this week. I'll update you after the meeting.

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

in progress? 5 months? WOW... that will be a beautiful list!

ghost commented 7 years ago

YES!! If you want, you can make a list. :-(

brianteeman commented 7 years ago

Calm down please

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

@SpiritJC Thoughts this: was a good start for the TM Team

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

to prevent any duplicate (I know, this comment seems unnecessary), I'll do your work this weekend.

brianteeman commented 7 years ago


I am sure you have plenty of things that you are responsible for that you could do if you have the free time.

No point in having teams and areas of responsibility if people are going to ignore them and just do their own thing.

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

@brianteeman Oh don't worry... this will not be under MY resposability, they will just have to edit and add their name on it... I hope less than 5 minutes of their precious time. And yes, I also have few things to do like updating all the HelpScreens... but WE NEED THAT LIST!

mbabker commented 7 years ago

We could set up a "do everything" team for the crazies in the room that do all the things, then technically they are working in their area of responsibility.

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

Ok then, this is a draft (this is the why it is a user page at this point). Thank you to check/edit/comment/whatEver about it. @brianteeman that would be great if you could proofread my Tarzan franglish but do what you want.

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

Oooops the link:

Hils commented 7 years ago

Hello @MATsxm - good work & thanks!

Just a small thing - VEL always used to refer to Joomla! Vulnerable Extensions™ way before the Volunteer Portal was in being. It might have changed whilst I wasn't looking but it would be worth checking with @mandville

Hils commented 7 years ago


Typo : More Information about Dsclaimers - last para heading.

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

@Hils Oooops sorry my bad I added the "VEL" on the wrong line :wink: Thanks

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

Both fixed - Thanks

Hils commented 7 years ago

one more!

Joomla!'s trademark and Joomla’s Trademarks and Disclaimers << inconsistency of exclamation mark - in Note

Hils commented 7 years ago

symbols and credit lines and/or disclaimers helps makes the public aware should be symbols and credit lines and/or disclaimers helps make the public aware

Hils commented 7 years ago

A Trademark can be a word, phrase, symbol, or design that distinguishes the source of the goods or services The Oxford comma has been used which isn't in our style guide. Note that it hasn't been used in the sentence before: ... owns and oversees the Joomla! name, logos and trademarks for...

Hils commented 7 years ago

trademarks for The Joomla! Project and softwares.

Software is the plural of software ;)

(I think that is it for now - thank you again)

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

About the first

symbols and credit lines and/or disclaimers helps makes the public aware should be symbols and credit lines and/or disclaimers helps make the public aware

is there a better way to not use the possevive form? or I will remove the !

Hils commented 7 years ago

darn it - forgot to correct that! It should be : symbols and credit lines and/or disclaimers help make the public aware

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

sorry... bit tired :smile: I was talking about possessive form here:

Joomla!'s trademark and Joomla’s Trademarks and Disclaimers << inconsistency of exclamation mark - in Note

Hils commented 7 years ago

Joomla!'s or Joomla’s

This isn't grammatical and comes under the trademark rules. It used to be that the exclamation mark was only used with the first Joomla on the page but now I don't know! Sorry :D

Hils commented 7 years ago

I guessed! I am just back home but I thought it would help you get the job done if I had a quick look for you.

Hils commented 7 years ago

Request a Trademark-use :

Might be better as Request the use of a Trademark. We wouldn't hyphenate there.

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

This isn't grammatical and comes under the trademark rules. It used to be that the exclamation mark was only used with the first Joomla on the page but now I don't know! Sorry :D

:rage: that's WRONG AND NOT A PROPER LEGAL USE. This is an urban legend as the registered name, agree or disagree is WITH the ! This rule concerns ONLY the use of Trademarks indicia R or TM :smile:

The rule here would be that, because it is in a paragraph and in conflict with another punctuation sign we should not add the "!". My question was just because I don't like using "Joomla" in a possessive format then just wanted to know if another way is possible.

Hils commented 7 years ago

You shouted at me in bold (hehe)

I like the way it is now: For more information on how to use Joomla’s Trademarks and Disclaimers, please refer to the document available in several languages: Proper use of the Joomla! name or contact the Trademark & Licensing Team.

We can't avoid using the possessive format of Joomla for ever ;)

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

You shouted at me in bold (hehe)

Believe me, it's not in a bad way :wink: Just because I have to "fight" and bang my head at least twice a day evry single day with this wrong belief (people using the "first prohiminent use of blablabla" for the "!" while this concerns ONLY the Trademarks signs) :smile: And this is why I hate this ***\ ! and why Yahoo! is going to remove his own ;)

Thanks for the help!

Hils commented 7 years ago

I told you I didn't know! But sorry you are getting hassle. It is good of you to pick this job up amongst all the other things you already do.

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

I guess all your changes are ok now (need to wait Fuzzybot to do his job for the BTN Request the use of a Trademark).

Thanks again

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

No more feedbacks? Anyway, it will be possible, like for every Wiki pages to make changes even if this one will be "protected"

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

Merged and available for translation As using the namespace Joomla, the content is protected.

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

Add to Joomla! Learning Partner the short forms: "JLP" and "JLPs"

Disclaimer is the following:

Joomla! Learning Partners™ are officially recognized and licensed by, but not organized or operated by, Open Source Matters, Inc. (OSM) on behalf of The Joomla! Project™. Each Joomla! Learning Partner represents an independent company. Use of the Joomla!® name, symbol, logo, Joomla Learning Partner,™ and JLP™ and related trademarks is licensed by Open Source Matters, Inc.

Thank you

Hils commented 7 years ago

Use of the Joomla!® name, symbol, logo, Joomla Learning Partner,™ and JLP™ and related trademarks is licensed by Open Source Matters, Inc.

should be are licensed


Joomla Learning Partner,™ and JLP™ and related trademarks is licensed by Open Source Matters, Inc.

should be, I think, Joomla Learning Partner™, JLP™ and related trademarks are licensed by...

That removes Oxford Comma which is in the wrong place (and we don't use them anyway) and removes extra 'and'.

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

Hehehe I had already changed few things... but looks like it's not enough :wink: @Hils

Hils commented 7 years ago

It is! Sorry - I took it out of context Mat - must have been full moon :D

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

Thanks @Hils