joomla / joomla-websites

This repository is for reporting issues with the websites only. Please report issues with the Joomla CMS at
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[jdev] Integrate Nightly Builds into CMS install #548

Closed mbabker closed 7 years ago

mbabker commented 7 years ago
jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

@mbabker let me know if I can help with the article

mbabker commented 7 years ago

If someone wants to write content for the page it'd be appreciated. I basically was going to take the text that's already on and use that as the starting point. Which honestly is almost nothing but it's enough to start a page from.

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

Let me try do something

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago


From this page you can download "development" version of Joomla! that are daily generated from the CMS code that is currently in development. These builds are intended for testing purposes only and may be unstable. Generally, nightly builds contain fixes and new features not yet available in the Stable Releases. If you want to help us testing Joomla! and ensure painless public releases, just download the desired build and have fun! If you encounter an issue, please check wheter it has been already reported on otherwise, just open an issue and let us know where we're going wrong. Thank you for the help.

mbabker commented 7 years ago

This is a working stub; neither the content nor code live anywhere outside my laptop yet so don't go looking for it.

screen shot 2016-09-02 at 7 24 29 pm

If anyone wants to make revisions on the content, here's the article's HTML:

<p class="lead">Help test the latest Joomla! code.</p>
<div class="alert alert-warning"><strong>Warning!</strong> These builds are intended for testing purposes only and should never be used on production websites.</div>
<p>The nightly builds are snapshots of the <a href="">development activity</a> for upcoming Joomla! releases and include new features and bug fixes scheduled for these releases. These releases are made available to make it easier for users to test their websites and extensions for potential issues with an upcoming release or to test new features and provide feedback on ways to improve them before being released to the Joomla! community.</p>
<p>As these builds are snapshots of the latest code, it is more likely you may encounter an issue compared to the stable releases. If you have encountered an issue, please check <a href="">our issue tracker</a> to see if it has already been reported; if a report hasn't been made, please report it so our community members can review the issue and make any needed fixes.</p>
zero-24 commented 7 years ago

Looks cool :+1:

mbabker commented 7 years ago

I've still got to tweak the Jenkins job to get it to add the additional data seen in the above screenshot (right now the page is using the fallbacks for when it doesn't exist for whatever reason) but it's all there now.

zero-24 commented 7 years ago

There is a typo in the development activity link currently it gives a 404

mbabker commented 7 years ago


zero-24 commented 7 years ago

What do you think about a redirect from to the new page?

mbabker commented 7 years ago

I'm trying but Joomla's redirect manager won't cooperate with me.

mbabker commented 7 years ago

OK, got it. There was an entry in the trash. Should be redirected now.

zero-24 commented 7 years ago


mbabker commented 7 years ago

I'll leave this open through the weekend for feedback, otherwise this is complete.

zero-24 commented 7 years ago

can we make the please report a link to create a new issue on the Tracker or Github?

zero-24 commented 7 years ago

maybe we can add it as button to this page too?

mbabker commented 7 years ago

I purposefully didn't link direct to the report form because a few words earlier we link to the tracker with instructions to first search for an issue. I'd rather not direct link to the report form as that encourages folks to report without at least glancing at the open issue list.

zero-24 commented 7 years ago

ok. it was just a random idea :smile: