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[jshow] Add a "Contact" or a "Support page" #746

Closed jeckodevelopment closed 7 years ago

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

After #745 i tried to find a way to contact JSD team or to ask for Support and i can't find nothing on the website leading to an easy way to get in touch with the team.

I just found this on the FAQs:


But, in my opinion it's almost hidden and people will continue asking for support here on Github. And what about asking support for unpublished listings? Should they use the "Report" button on other listings?


sebastienlapoux commented 7 years ago

@jeckodevelopment thanks to test

This contact form can be submitted as a visitor or as a registered user. FAQ updated.

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

@sebastienlapoux Test (as non registered user) sent

sebastienlapoux commented 7 years ago

Thanks Mat. Received. About Saint Martin will come when enough sites.

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

@sebastienlapoux Just a detail but I would display the Reviews field 50% of the width for a cosmetic display. Seems ok under 768px (also a blanck space between the upper fields)

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

@sebastienlapoux thank you

Textboxes should have a little bit of padding :)


Furthermore, the "navigation" between fields is not "as expected". I'm talking about the order of fields when you use the TAB key on the keyboard.

Current order:

It should be:

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

No, for SXM it is already then :tada: :champagne: ... Joomla! should take example on it... justSaying :wink:

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

Tested also as non registered user and i received an automated reply from

Remember to change the destination address to the JSD email 😄


MATsxm commented 7 years ago

@jeckodevelopment you're not reading from LTR but from UTD?

Sandra97 commented 7 years ago

@jeckodevelopment You read the form from top to bottom? ;) We reading from left to right so the current order makes sense for me.

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

I read from LTR and that's what i'm saying. If you click on TAB now it goes from top to bottom instead of going from left to right.

Sandra97 commented 7 years ago

Oh, yes, you're right!

MATsxm commented 7 years ago

yeah... I have just seen the tab reference :wink: good catch, I'm from the old school... not using the Tab :grinning:

sebastienlapoux commented 7 years ago

To fix tab issue. We deleted the 2 columns presentation. Textarea will be soon fixed about the width. Thanks

sebastienlapoux commented 7 years ago

Concerning the email, it will be changed when email only for JSD team will be created (requested from months ago). Seems to be difficult to obtain some distribution list and emails. If you have a trick it's welcome.

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

@sebastienlapoux if you need it i can help creating one

sebastienlapoux commented 7 years ago

Thanks @jeckodevelopment . Email from has been changed with the one you created ;-).

sebastienlapoux commented 7 years ago

I'm closing this issue. Please re-open if needed.

jeckodevelopment commented 7 years ago

Thank you @sebastienlapoux