joomlaboat / custom-tables

The Custom Tables extension allows you to create, manage, and display custom data on your Joomla site. It is helpful if you need to display data that is not part of the standard Joomla content structure. For example, you could use this extension to create a custom table for product information, customer data, or any other type of data that you need to display on your site. The Custom Tables is the CRUD solution for Joomla 3.x and 4.x - CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DELETE. You can add tables, fields, and layouts to create catalogs, forms, or details pages. It has 40 Field Types: Integer (numbers), Decimal, Text String, Time, Email, Color, Image, File, User, Language, etc.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Information in WIKI on Image field and Image Gallery field #25

Closed swennomaak closed 2 years ago

swennomaak commented 2 years ago

dear Ivan

the more I use Custom Tables the more I Like it. I think it is growing towards a great and important tool that partly can replace Fabrik.

there is missing some information in the description in the wiki for the Images fields. Like on 'Background' (no idea what to fill there) and what different option there are in the layouts for these field types. Van you give me some help thanks in advance Menno

swennomaak commented 2 years ago

By experimenting I found it for the Image field. So that is solved

But my next thing is the Image Gallery field. In the Edit Form only a gray line appears with < at the beginning and > at the end.

Is this field type still under construction, or is there a bug or am I doing wrong something?

joomlaboat commented 2 years ago

Hello Menno,

The background is the RGB color, FFFFFF for example, to fill up the space if the proportions of the image is different than selected dimensions.

joomlaboat commented 2 years ago

Can you please show the screen-shot of the field setting and the front-end result?

swennomaak commented 2 years ago

sent them by email, hope you got them

joomlaboat commented 2 years ago

Hello, I didn't receive the screen-shots. Please send to

swennomaak commented 2 years ago

sent it to


joomlaboat commented 2 years ago


Image size name should not include quotes. Background color - also no quotes and no hash tag. Please try the folder path without leading slash character - like this: images/jpeg

joomlaboat commented 2 years ago

Also to edit this type of field you need to have the record already saved. It requires record id to link to.

There is a {{ html.toolbar }} tag in Catalog layout, this tag renders edit,delete,publish etc buttons, it can also may render a button to open the Image Gallery or File Box editor.

Example: {{ html.toolbar("edit","publish","gallery","filebox") }}


swennomaak commented 2 years ago

thanks Ivan, your efforts are very much appreciated. I will implement it later to day or night (can't stop; it is a nice tool to play with)

one more question: de results of a multi table join are displayed in Details layout in one line. There are commas in between but no spaces. Is there an easy solution for it. Thanks in advance regards menno

swennomaak commented 2 years ago

unfortunately the Image Gallery field doesn't appear in the layouts.

joomlaboat commented 2 years ago

Try this:

{{ html.toolbar("gallery") }}

can you post a screen-shot of what you see here?

swennomaak commented 2 years ago

I placed it in the list layout. There is then a nice icon and the tooltip gives the name of the field. But on the page I get the error message 'danger Not authorized'.

swennomaak commented 2 years ago

sometimes I have the feeling that the Pro capabilities are not fully enabled.

joomlaboat commented 2 years ago


Is it possible that the Edit user group is not the one of the user you login in to the front-end?

I updated Image Galler and File Box field types. I found some bugs there.

joomlaboat commented 2 years ago

sometimes I have the feeling that the Pro capabilities are not fully enabled.

The Pro version functionality is less tested because more people use the Free version. Also The Pro version has almost a double more features.

swennomaak commented 2 years ago

Thanks for all improvements Ivan I was not able to try them all but i will continue to work with Custom Tables and explore it to the very limits. If all goes well and I achieve what I need, for sure that I will promote your creation. It might be a good replacement for many of the Fabrik users.

For now I have difficulties in saving all rich text formatting in a Text Area. The editor is there an I can work with it as aspected but one saving all formatting is stripped.

joomlaboat commented 2 years ago

The output of the Text Area value is stripped if you limit it by number of words or characters.

{{ textfield("chars",100) }} - Stripped.

{{ textfield }} - As it is.

But CSS and Script will be stripped anyway by the Joomla itself.

swennomaak commented 2 years ago

Thank you Ivan

this all is really helpful. I can do almost everything I need to do now. The more I understand how the Custom Tables is meant to work the more I like it. I will add a positive review in the JED and I will e a Patron (patreon) for some time.

Probably I will ask question if I am not able to find my way through Custom Tables just by myself. For now I am fine. You can close this.

There is one thing; on (some?> Edit Forms there is a message 'Table not selected' thanks Menno

joomlaboat commented 2 years ago

Hello Meeno,

The 'Table not selected' is fixed in 2.8.5.

Also few other things are fixed:

Image field type parameters in the back-end fixed (joomla 3.x). {{ table.title }} tag bag fixed (The 'Table not selected'). Alpha-numerical field names can be used in filters. XML field types and tag meta data is loaded using PHP. Pagination for J4 improved. Pagination arrows option added (Text or Icons) {{ pagination(true) }}.