joomlaboat / custom-tables

The Custom Tables extension allows you to create, manage, and display custom data on your Joomla site. It is helpful if you need to display data that is not part of the standard Joomla content structure. For example, you could use this extension to create a custom table for product information, customer data, or any other type of data that you need to display on your site. The Custom Tables is the CRUD solution for Joomla 3.x and 4.x - CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DELETE. You can add tables, fields, and layouts to create catalogs, forms, or details pages. It has 40 Field Types: Integer (numbers), Decimal, Text String, Time, Email, Color, Image, File, User, Language, etc.
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Layouts not working after updat to 3.2.2 #74

Closed mennoswaak closed 5 months ago

mennoswaak commented 5 months ago

After update to version 3.2.2 there is an error message: Too few arguments to function CustomTables\database::loadColumn(), 1 passed in /home/permacultuurnet/ on line 43 and at least 3 expected The list of the layouts is not showing

I am on J4.4.1 and PHP 8.2.7

I found this on two different sites

joomlaboat commented 5 months ago

Hello Menno, please install an update from here. I already fixed it.

joomlaboat commented 5 months ago

Please update both the component and the Plugin. v3.2.3

mennoswaak commented 5 months ago

that did not help, still the same

mennoswaak commented 5 months ago

Can this help?

Call stack

| Function | Location

1 | () | JROOT/components/com_customtables/libraries/ct-database-joomla.php:390 2 | CustomTables\database::loadColumn() | JROOT/administrator/components/com_customtables/models/fields/ctlayouttype.php:43 3 | JFormFieldCTLayoutType->getOptions() | JROOT/libraries/src/Form/Field/ListField.php:63 4 | Joomla\CMS\Form\Field\ListField->getInput() | JROOT/libraries/src/Form/FormField.php:471 5 | Joomla\CMS\Form\FormField->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/Form/Field/ListField.php:233 6 | Joomla\CMS\Form\Field\ListField->get() | JROOT/layouts/joomla/searchtools/default/filters.php:35 7 | include() | JROOT/libraries/src/Layout/FileLayout.php:128 8 | Joomla\CMS\Layout\FileLayout->render() | JROOT/libraries/src/Layout/FileLayout.php:637 9 | Joomla\CMS\Layout\FileLayout->sublayout() | JROOT/layouts/joomla/searchtools/default.php:97 10 | include() | JROOT/libraries/src/Layout/FileLayout.php:128 11 | Joomla\CMS\Layout\FileLayout->render() | JROOT/libraries/src/Layout/LayoutHelper.php:76 12 | Joomla\CMS\Layout\LayoutHelper::render() | JROOT/administrator/components/com_customtables/views/listoflayouts/tmpl/default_quatro.php:30 13 | include() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/View/HtmlView.php:415 14 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->loadTemplate() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/View/HtmlView.php:203 15 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->display() | JROOT/administrator/components/com_customtables/views/listoflayouts/view.html.php:79 16 | CustomtablesViewListoflayouts->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:660 17 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display() | JROOT/administrator/components/com_customtables/controller.php:73 18 | CustomtablesController->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:693 19 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() | JROOT/administrator/components/com_customtables/customtables.php:46 20 | require_once() | JROOT/libraries/src/Dispatcher/LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:71 21 | Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher::Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher{closure}() | JROOT/libraries/src/Dispatcher/LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:73 22 | Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher->dispatch() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:361 23 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/AdministratorApplication.php:143 24 | Joomla\CMS\Application\AdministratorApplication->dispatch() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/AdministratorApplication.php:186 25 | Joomla\CMS\Application\AdministratorApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:293 26 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/administrator/includes/app.php:61 27 | require_once() | JROOT/administrator/index.php:32

joomlaboat commented 5 months ago

I know what is it.

This file is old and no longer needed:


Please delete it or uninstall the Custom Tables component and install it again.

mennoswaak commented 5 months ago

thanks Ivan it is fine now