Closed shoulders closed 5 years ago
i added this code to my copy of All videos and it works well. When you set the following setting in the plugin admin the youtube responsive style will use this as max-width
I dont think i did it for height but i might of I cant remmember.
Do you want the code?
Can you make a PR from the latest snapshot of the repo?
I have no idea how to do that, still learning GitHub. Sorry not being lazy.
What I can do is get the code I changed and add it here a snippet or attach a file. I dont think it was a lot.
in the file allvideos/plugin/jw_allvideos/tmpl/Responsive/default.php
I altered the line
<div class="avPlayerContainer">
<div class="avPlayerContainer" style="max-width:<?php echo $output->playerWidth; ?>px;">
If this got its own setting it would not harm.
OK, I'll add it as an option in the next release. Makes sense.
Added in v5.0.0 which is coming out in the next 24 hours.
v5.0.0 is ready. The release blog post will be published tomorrow. If you wish to checkout the new version, just install directly in Joomla using this URL:
in the day of responsive youtube videos can exapand to much and look huge. So being able to set max-width allow me to keep the responsive behaviour but not got massive
the margins allow me to make things look nicer. This might need to be changed to padding (or both) to allow me to set the video to align left rather than centered (if possible)