joonaspaakko / Photoshop-Illustrator-Script-Launcher-Using-Alfred

Launch PS and AI scripts using Alfred
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Make it work for Indesign? #1

Closed vanwoods closed 1 year ago

vanwoods commented 1 year ago


First, thanks for this really handy workflow!

The workflow returns an error trying to make it work for InDesign. Only the last part when executing the script returns an error, the rest works fine the same as the AI and PS part. Do you know how to modify it to make it work the same way for InDesign?

It now produces this error, see below:

Scherm­afbeelding 2023-04-27 om 18 09 11

I'm guessing InDesign handles the scripts differently? The scripts all work when used directly from InDesign, so they seem to be fine.

Hope you can help?

vanwoods commented 1 year ago

The scripts scope is now at ~/Documents/Scripts/ID/1_SD_SCRIPTS/ and returns the scripts in alfred search field but don't execute

I tried accessing them directly from: ~/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign/Version 18.0/en_GB/Scripts/Scripts Panel/1_SD_SCRIPTS/ but that gives no result when searching for scripts. I put this path in alfred search scope but with no result

joonaspaakko commented 1 year ago

The script relies on the applications ability to open a script file via similar to how you'd open any file via File > Open, then recognize it as a script and act accordingly. As far as I know AI and PS are the only ones that do this. Essentially Indesign just doesn't know what to do with the script file with that same command...

I think it should be possible. Quick googling says Indesign AS has a command called do script and you'd use it something like this:

tell application "Adobe InDesign 2020"
    set jsx_script to "...Desktop:HelloWorld.jsx"
    set a to "Foo"
    set b to "Bar"
    set my_values to {a, b}
    do script jsx_script language javascript with arguments my_values
end tell

For the purpose of this workflow you'd pretty much have to replace the part on the current workflow Applescript that says open scriptFile using appPath with the line that says do script.... It's not quite that simple but generally speaking....

I'll take a look at it this weekend, if I have time. Though not to get your hopes up too much, I did see a lot of people complaining about it not working in few of the more recent Marcos versions.

vanwoods commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your quick reply!

I changed the AS script to:

on run argv

    set appName to (system attribute "targetApplication") --Alfred variable
    set frontMostVar to (system attribute "frontMost") --Alfred variable
    set scriptFile to POSIX file (item 1 of argv)

    tell application "System Events"
        set targetApp to application file of (first application process whose name contains appName)
        set appPath to path of targetApp
        set appName to name of targetApp
    end tell

    if frontMostVar is "true" then
        if application appName is frontmost then
            tell application "Finder"
                do script jsx_script language javascript with arguments my_values
            end tell
        end if
        tell application "Finder"
            do script jsx_script language javascript with arguments my_values
        end tell
    end if

end run

No error notification anymore but nothing happens in InDesign either. I'll try and look if i can find something more about the do script.

Thanks for now!

joonaspaakko commented 1 year ago

I will take a proper look sooner or later, but if I were to play around with it, I would take the simplest example of do script and try to run that in the native /System/Applications/Utilities/Script

tell application "Adobe InDesign 2023"
  set jsx_script to "/Users/joonaspaakko/Dropbox/Adobe scripts/Indesign/MultiPageImporter2.5-CS5.jsx"
  do script jsx_script language javascript
end tell

Couple pointers about your attempt:

  • Since you used that one line only (like I said you should), the my_values variable was never set, so that would cause an error. But in this case that whole tail end is unnecessary: with arguments my_values
    • It can be useful, but only if you wanted to feed it external arguments. Like imagine yourself typing in the filename in Alfred and that gets passed on to the script as it launches, which in turn uses it to save the file. But that is kinda advanced and totally unnecessary with this setup.
  • You need to tell the application Indesign to do script. Right now it's telling Finder to launch the script.
  • The first greater than symbol in the Alfred workflow chain defines an integral part of the script, so that would need to be changed to Adobe Indesign

I'd guess it would have to be something like this:

Firstly, this code is not tested. Also, as I mentioned before, searching for info on do script, I found quite a few posts that said it doesn't work anymore since X version of MacOS. None of this code matters if the simple code doesn't run successfully.

on run argv
set appName to (system attribute "targetApplication") --Alfred variable
set frontMostVar to (system attribute "frontMost") --Alfred variable
set scriptFile to POSIX file (item 1 of argv)
set isIndesign to appName is "Adobe Indesign"

tell application "System Events"
    set targetApp to application file of (first application process whose name contains appName)
    set appPath to path of targetApp
    set appName to name of targetApp
end tell

if frontMostVar is "true" then
    if application appName is frontmost then
        if isIndesign then
            tell application appName
                do script scriptFile language javascript
            end tell
            tell application "Finder"
                open scriptFile using appPath
            end tell
        end if
    end if

    if isIndesign then
        tell application appName
            do script scriptFile language javascript
        end tell
        tell application "Finder"
            open scriptFile using appPath
        end tell
    end if
end if

end run

Here's what I changed from the original:
on run argv

    set appName to (system attribute "targetApplication") --Alfred variable
    set frontMostVar to (system attribute "frontMost") --Alfred variable
    set scriptFile to POSIX file (item 1 of argv)
+   set isIndesign to appName is "Adobe Indesign"

    tell application "System Events"
        set targetApp to application file of (first application process whose name contains appName)
        set appPath to path of targetApp
        set appName to name of targetApp
    end tell

    if frontMostVar is "true" then
        if application appName is frontmost then
+           if isIndesign then
+               tell application appName
+                   do script scriptFile language javascript
+               end tell
+           else
                tell application "Finder"
                    open scriptFile using appPath
                end tell
+           end if
        end if

+       if isIndesign then
+           tell application appName
+               do script scriptFile language javascript
+           end tell
+       else
            tell application "Finder"
                open scriptFile using appPath
            end tell
+       end if
    end if

end run
vanwoods commented 1 year ago

Thanks for taking the time to point me out with your feedback!

Activating a fixed script directly is no problem and works, also from Alfred (in the simple code version, see attached workflow with keyword 'idl'). But when I try to combine this in your workflow it still doesn’t execute/activates the scripts (even with the fixed path to a script). So do script does work, but i can't figure out how to combine it. Could it have something to do with set to part of the script?

I've tried:

ID scripts

joonaspaakko commented 1 year ago

I updated the repo with a new workflow file where the Indesign script launching seems to now be working fine.

The issue with my untested code was that apparently application specific methods like the do script in this instance, can't be used if the tell application "name" comes from a variable. I couldn't really find much info on that, but that's how it seems to work. So I settled with identifying Indesign with its bundle id. This should work better than having to change the static application name every year (Adobe Indesign 2023, Adobe Indesign 2024, etc..), though that said I wasn't able to test how the bundle identifier works when a new version of the app is installed, let alone what happens if multiple versions are installed. I'd think it would use the latest install, but that is just a guess.

I did a lot of testing with various setups and so I'm no longer sure what the workflow will do on the first Indesign script launch, but at some point during my tests it asked me to pick Indesign from a list of applications so it knows what application to launch the script on and there was also some kind of accessibility permission prompt at some point, but those were one time things, after which the workflow worked just like it did for AI and PS.

vanwoods commented 1 year ago

Thanks for taking the time trying to fix this. Only I can't get this to work, also the AI and PS part doesn't work anymore in this new workflow. I granted access in the automation part in security and privacy tab in system preferences. See picture below.

Screenshot 2023-04-30 at 22 36 44

The old workflow for only PS and AI still works fine, i'm getting the scripts out of the same scope.

Any idea what i could be missing?

This is the outcome of the debugger:

[23:05:12.097] CC Scripts Launcher[File Filter] Processing complete
[23:05:12.104] CC Scripts Launcher[File Filter] Passing output '/Users/patrick/Documents/Scripts/ID/1_SD_SCRIPTS/MultiPageImporter2.5JJB.jsx' to Arg and Vars
[23:05:12.105] CC Scripts Launcher[Arg and Vars] Processing complete
[23:05:12.106] CC Scripts Launcher[Arg and Vars] Passing output '/Users/patrick/Documents/Scripts/ID/1_SD_SCRIPTS/MultiPageImporter2.5JJB.jsx' to Arg and Vars
[23:05:12.107] CC Scripts Launcher[Arg and Vars] Processing complete
[23:05:12.109] CC Scripts Launcher[Arg and Vars] Passing output '/Users/patrick/Documents/Scripts/ID/1_SD_SCRIPTS/MultiPageImporter2.5JJB.jsx' to Run Script
[23:05:12.224] ERROR: CC Scripts Launcher[Run Script] /Users/patrick/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Scripts/1E014E04-52DF-44BF-B581-79E093881F89:709:715: script error: Expected end of line, etc. but found “script”. (-2741)
joonaspaakko commented 1 year ago

I updated the workflow file again.

I split the AppleScript action so that Indesign uses its own. If it still doesn't work, it won't affect AI and PS. I switched from the bundle id to the static application name string, which should now work, but requires manual updating every year when your Indesign updates.

If you're interested...

It was the same issue it's been from the beginning Expected end of line, etc. but found “script”. - It doesn't understand the do script because it's a "custom" method that is specific to Indesign, which it still didn't seem to understand with the bundle id, so I switched it to the static string tell application "Adobe InDesign 2023". The way Alfred tells you about the error makes it harder to locate. In the Script it shows you exactly what it's talking about:

vanwoods commented 1 year ago

I found the solution to still use the bundle id, which is of course better. Place 'id' after 'tell application'

tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign"

When InDesign script is launched it still says Photoshop scripts, i can fix this myself but you probably want to update your workflow here.

Thanks for your help, great to launch InDesign scripts this way!

joonaspaakko commented 1 year ago

Good, I was pretty crushed when I thought I had to use a static string. I updated the repo with your suggested fixes.