joons5834 / weather-forecast-accuracy

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standardizing weather description #18

Open joons5834 opened 2 years ago

joons5834 commented 2 years ago


- 하늘상태(SKY) 코드 : 맑음(1), 구름많음(3), 흐림(4)
- 강수형태(PTY) 코드 : (초단기) 없음(0), 비(1), 비/눈(2), 눈(3), 빗방울(5), 빗방울눈날림(6), 눈날림(7) 
                      (단기) 없음(0), 비(1), 비/눈(2), 눈(3), 소나기(4) 


NWS Natural language desc + METAR/TAF code

Yr Unknown

joons5834 commented 2 years ago

KMA SKY, PTY -> OpenWeather code

cannot pinpoint OpenWeather code since KMA has larger granularity.

joons5834 commented 2 years ago

OpenWeather -> KMA code multiple codes -> 1 KMA code for SKY and PTY respectively.

Group 2xx: Thunderstorm -> LGT(0.2~100KA/㎢, only on KMA ultra short forecast) Group 3xx: Drizzle -> 빗방울(5) Group 5xx: Rain -> 비(1) Group 6xx: Snow -> 눈(3) Group 5xx: Rain -> 비(1) Group 7xx: Atmosphere Group 800: Clear -> 맑음(1) 802-803: 구름 많음(3) 803-804: 흐림(4)

loss of finer granularity except Thunderstorm

joons5834 commented 2 years ago

Possible solutions