joostkremers / pandoc-mode

An Emacs minor mode for interacting with Pandoc.
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pandoc isn't called with the `--citeproc` option #116

Open TS-CUBED opened 1 year ago

TS-CUBED commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure if I'm missing something here, but I can't get Pandoc-Mode to do citations.

I have:

I do:

I expect:

Pandoc to be called with --citeproc


pandoc --read=markdown --write=html

resulting in no citations in the document.

If I run pandoc --citeproc --read=markdown -write=html manually, I do get the citations as expected.

joostkremers commented 1 year ago

Apologies for the late reply, somehow your message went under my radar...

If you convert to PDF, on first run you need to select the output format you want to use for PDF creation. pandoc-mode then uses the settings for that particular output format, which may not correspond to the output format you have currently set in the buffer.

That is, if you open a file, usually the output format will be set to native. If you then set any options, they are set for the native output format. When you create a PDF, however, you need to select another output format, because Pandoc cannot create an PDF from native output. Once you select that output format, pandoc-mode tries to find a settings file for that output format and if it doesn't find one, it calls pandoc with only the input and output formats set.

Unfortunately, this UI is a bit confusing, I admit. It's just that I don't know any better way of handling it...

So what you need to do is first set the output format that you want to use for PDF creation and then set the citeproc option.

If you save those settings, they will be used automatically the next time you create a PDF from the same file using the same output format. You can also save a global settings file, so that any file you convert to PDF using your selected output format will use those settings.