jopeek / fvtt-loot-sheet-npc-5e

FVTT - Loot Sheet NPC 5E
MIT License
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Adjust buy/sell prices #337

Closed WH17EW0LF closed 2 years ago

WH17EW0LF commented 2 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I would like it to be made possible to adjust the buy and the sell prices of items individually. As I can see now, you adjust both prices with the same scaling.

Describe the solution you'd like Seperate buy/sell price options

DanielBoettner commented 2 years ago

Will have to think about this.

Adding a second slider could be enough. But if this is updated it could be done more general.

And either way it will have to get implemented into the currency handling. Which I did not manage to really simplify.

Terrox commented 2 years ago

I would also like separate modifiers, I mainly intend to use Merchant as a way for players to offload loot and I would make it 50% of base prices usually (for player Selling to merchant), but the merchant would have something like 110% when payer buys back from Merchant.

I would also be manually setting a lot of item prices per actor because Goblin scimitars shouldn't be worth 50gp, but that's kinda the default way 5e works. So I guess something like a NPC type modifer would be handy but I can't see that working without lot of weird issues cropping up.

DanielBoettner commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. Will take this into account when I get to it.