joplin / plugin-email

This plugin adds the ability to fetch email messages and converts them to Joplin notes in various formats, either by monitoring any new or unread messages from a specific email address or a specific mailbox, or by uploading downloaded email messages to the plugin without having to be logged in.
29 stars 4 forks source link

New release? #31

Open stemabu opened 5 months ago

stemabu commented 5 months ago

Hi, thanks for this very useful addon!

Would it be possible to get a new release to be able to use the features that have been added since the first version?

I tried to build a current version by myself, but after running npm run dist I got lost with the message Error: Unknown option '--joplin-plugin-config'. Help with this would also be appreciated.

Regards, Martin

stemabu commented 5 months ago

I would still be grateful if there was a new release, as the useful changes would then be better available.

As I needed the ability to extract keywords from the subject, I have been playing around until I have managed to create a working version. In case someone who has as little experience with Node.js etc. as I do also wants to do it, here is the process I used to make it work:

I installed a VM with Ubuntu 23.10 (22.04 LTS didn’t work for me) and the latest LTS version of Node.js using the version manager NVM (not the Node.js version from the repo). Then installed Typescript system-wide. Then installed the Joplin plugin substructure using npm install -g yo generator-joplin. Then webpack: npm install --save-dev webpack. Transfered the source files with git: git clone Then it was necessary to run export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider (for more info on this see After that, npm run dist ran successfully and the created jpl-file could be found in the "publish"-subfolder. There may be better ways to do it, but, as I said, I had no experience with Node before.

PackElend commented 3 months ago

@bishoy-magdy are you still maintaining this plug-in?