joplin / plugin-templates

Create templates in Joplin and use them to create new notes and todos.
MIT License
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Templates which have note overview plugin code in them do not work #45

Open meldarionqeusse opened 3 years ago

meldarionqeusse commented 3 years ago

I tried creating a template which has a note overview (from note overview plugin) to get summary of tasks I have not completed. If you look at the code below the noteview in the template has {{notebook}} {{title}}, {{tags}} etc these get removed when I create note from template

This is the template:

project: dropdown(Work, Personal)
template_title: {{ subproject }} 
name: text
template_tags: {{#custom_datetime}}YYYY{{/custom_datetime}}, {{#custom_datetime}}MMMM{{/custom_datetime}},{{ project }} 


## {{ template_title }} - {{  name  }}

This note contains the meeting minutes of the weekly meet held on {{ datetime }} for {{ project }}.

<!-- note-overview-plugin
search: notebook:"My Notes" type:todo iscompleted:0
fields: title,body
alias: updated_time AS Last Updated, title AS Title
  text: "{{  notebook  }} > {{  title  }} {{  tags  }} <details> \r

    \ {{  body  }} \r

    \ </details>"
  separator: "<hr>\r\n"

This is how it transforms when I create a note from template


This note contains the meeting minutes of the weekly meet held on 24/09/2021 10:47 for Work.

<!-- note-overview-plugin
search: notebook:"My Notes" type:todo iscompleted:0
fields: title,body
alias: updated_time AS Last Updated, title AS Title
  text: " >   <details> \r

    \  \r

    \ </details>"
  separator: "<hr>\r\n"
nishantwrp commented 3 years ago

Yup, this is expected because the text of form {{ something }} is considered as variable by this plugin. But I'll explore if there's a way to allow users to use these braces as normal text.

jbsauvan commented 2 years ago

Hello, I ran into the same issue and found two possible workarounds. Here they are in case someone can find this useful.

Solution 1: Defining text with template custom variable

Solution 2: Escaping double curly brackets and defining note-overview-plugin as template custom variable