jopohl / urh

Universal Radio Hacker: Investigate Wireless Protocols Like A Boss
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add support for YARD Stick One #198

Closed Lexus89 closed 7 years ago

Lexus89 commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately there is no support for the YARD stick. It would be really great if support for this device is added!

vsboost commented 7 years ago

+1 for yard stick one support, think it would be great especially for sending fuzzed messages.

jopohl commented 7 years ago

I would love to implement support for YARD Stick One. Unfortunately, I do not own such as device and could not find any useful drivers via google. All I found was rfcat which appears to offer an interactive python shell.

How you guys use your YARD Stick One? Does it work with an osmosdr block in GNU radio or you use rfcat or a completely different tool?

Lexus89 commented 7 years ago

I use rfcat to send and receive signals since rfcat is the used firmware supporting the device. Some more info can be found here:

vsboost commented 7 years ago

Hi The YS1 itself is not an SDR more a radio modem where you send commands to it via rfcat, here is a link to some helper scripts that i use to give you an idea of how it works.

ikarus23 commented 7 years ago

100% agree with @vsboost. YS1 is not a SDR. It is just an "advanced breakout board" for the TI CC1111 platform. It is by far not as flexible as a SDR. You have a limited set of input parameters you can define (like preamble, syncword, modulation, etc.) and it will decode the data for you.

I don't think there is a good way to integrate this into the workflow of URH. Well, at least the whole interpretation phase is pointless with the YS1. Only if you already know the parameters of the protocol you investigating, you can decode it with the YS1. However, using the fuzzer of URH for a YS1 might be handy. But on the other side, it is easy to implement a small fuzzer for YS1 using rfcat...

andynoack commented 7 years ago

We are thinking about a YARDStick One support similar to the NetworkSDR device, i.e. without interpretation phase. However, we currently do not have YARDSticks at hands. Is someone connected to Great Scott Gadgets or can provide us with two sticks in another way?

vsboost commented 7 years ago

I have reached out to Mike Ossmann the creator of the YS1, hopefully he might get in touch.

ikarus23 commented 7 years ago

I will meet him on Monday. I will ask him.

ikarus23 commented 7 years ago

Hi! I have great news that I wanted to share before I go to bed ;) Michael Ossmann (@mossmann) just handed me over two YARD Stick One for you! will contact you via email regarding the shipping.

Thanks to @mossmann for helping out the URH developers in improving this great software!

vsboost commented 7 years ago

Great stuff, well done.

Lexus89 commented 7 years ago

Wow really awesome! Thanks @ikarus23 and @mossmann !

andynoack commented 7 years ago

We have experiemented with the YARD Sticks for a while (thanks again!) and came to the conclusion that a YARD Stick support does not comply with the URH philosophy. Why that?

Never say never, maybe we support the YARD Stick in some way in the future. To everyone who is using the YARD Stick to pentest/reverse engineer protocols. Which kind of support would help you? A plugin showing the approximated YARD Stick (RfCat) parameters when sniffing with e.g. a RTLSDR? Please be precise and give some good arguments :)

Best @jopohl and myself

vsboost commented 7 years ago

So this is how i would love to see it work. 1) Sniff / Record signal using rtl / hackrf / sdrplay / usrp / airspy 2) Analyse signal, get your modulation format / 1s and 0s / get your baud/symbol rate etc etc 3) Fuzz or change data to suit. 4) Send via Rfcat device / YS1.

I really don't care for the RX side using Rfcat/YS1, in my opinion you need to use SDR to know the signal first.

Hope this makes sense.

andynoack commented 7 years ago

Ok, we have an idea...Stay tuned!

Lexus89 commented 7 years ago

+1 Exactly what is said above.

I have an RTL-SDR for grabbing the signal and it would be nice if you could replay or fuzz using this signal directly with the yard stick. Managing it all from a single tool, URH, makes things so smooth.

"A plugin showing the approximated YARD Stick (RfCat) parameters when sniffing with e.g. a RTLSDR?"

This would indeed be nice as well

andynoack commented 7 years ago

So guys, I just commited a first shot of a RfCat plugin (rfcat branch), ready for alpha testing! In the generator tab there will be a button that allows to send the current contents via RfCat (e.g. with YS1). Does this work for you?

vsboost commented 7 years ago

Sweet this works for me... does the button do anything at the moment? is there anything i can test on my end?

andynoack commented 7 years ago

The button should start a rfcat process in background (URH should be able to launch 'rfcat -r' from current path) and communicate with it. If you drag some messages in the generator field and push the button, it should send the according encoded information out via the YS1. While doing that, you should see according rfcat commands in the debug/console output. I was able to turn on my wireless room lights with it. Can you verify that this works for you? Maybe (if it transmits data) check if the sent data is encoded and modulated in the right way using e.g. a rtlsdr?

vsboost commented 7 years ago

MMM, when i tried i couldn't see anything happening, have to try again and let you know.

vsboost commented 7 years ago

Still cant see anything happening when i press the send button the console shows no messages and YS1 does not TX, rfcat is in path and working.

EDIT: I did enable rfcat in the plugins section, but still no luck.

vsboost commented 7 years ago

Is there anything else i need to do to the data in the generate tab prior to sending?

andynoack commented 7 years ago

I just added some debug messages to localize the problem you have. Can you try with the latest code?

vsboost commented 7 years ago

In the console all i get is

Using modules from /root/Downloads/urh/src [DEBUG] Successfully opened RfCat (rfcat)

When i press the send via rfcat button, but still no TX

andynoack commented 7 years ago

Can you verify the rfcat process running (ps ax | grep rfcat)? What kind of data do you have in your generator window?

vsboost commented 7 years ago

12328 pts/0 Sl+ 0:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/rfcat -r 12491 pts/1 S+ 0:00 grep rfcat

Just sending some 10101010101010101 nothing fancy

andynoack commented 7 years ago

Ok...try the latest is very verbose now

vsboost commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the extra debug...

Using modules from /root/Downloads/urh/src [DEBUG] Successfully opened RfCat (rfcat) [DEBUG] Modulation = MOD_ASK_OOK [DEBUG] Frequency = 433920000.0 [DEBUG] Sample rate = 1000000 [DEBUG] Bit length = 532 MSG: 1001100110011001101001100101010110101001100110010101100110100110100101101010100110101001010101010101101010100101101010100101010110010101101010100101010101010101

However still no TX from the yard stick one, im going to try on another system.

vsboost commented 7 years ago

Tried on a different system same deal, no TX. No issues with my YS1 as i can tx with it using rfcat directly so not sure what else i can do.

andynoack commented 7 years ago

It is very hard to localize the problem. I have another idea...latest code update is online

vsboost commented 7 years ago

We have TX :-)

Thanks very much.

andynoack commented 7 years ago

Well ok, identified the problem! This is very weird and I think it is related to rfcat. I will cleanup the code in the next days and prepare a release.

vsboost commented 7 years ago

Sweet, now to have a play.

Thanks again.

vsboost commented 7 years ago

Great work Andy

Lexus89 commented 7 years ago

I just successfully replayed a message with YS1, great work thanks!

andynoack commented 7 years ago

I close the issue because we released the rfcat-plugin now, see