jordan-wright / email

Robust and flexible email library for Go
MIT License
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IMAP support #34

Open carstn opened 8 years ago

carstn commented 8 years ago

Hi Jordan, would you like to add IMAP support to a future version, or is this project only aimed at SMTP? It would be great to have a solid Go library with send & receive functionality.

I'm using mxh/go-imap in production; it's quite a low-level implementation and seems abandoned, but I've found it to be pretty stable. I'd like to wrap it in a simpler & easier API, and I think it would have a good home in this library!

Let me know what you think/if you can contribute as well. :)

jordan-wright commented 8 years ago

Hey there! IMAP support isn't a bad idea. I might consider making it a separate library, though, since it has so much functionality that needs to be implemented.

However, I'll also consider doing what you suggest and just wrapping something else in an email.FromIMAP function or similar.