jordanhandy / obsidian-cloudinary-uploader

An uploader for Obsidian to Cloudinary
MIT License
24 stars 3 forks source link

Feature Request: Upload all existing assets and replace with cloudinary links #16

Closed lovettbarron closed 2 weeks ago

lovettbarron commented 2 weeks ago

Request: In Settings or via the command palette, trigger a bulk upload of all locally referenced assets to cloudinary via the user's settings. Action should probably include a prompt to backup.

Use case: Creating a new vault from existing md docs and assets. Specifically vault via obsidian-garden (or in my case, a custom solution).

Really appreciate the plugin, and I think this would be a dramatic improvement.

jordanhandy commented 2 weeks ago

@lovettbarron Thank you for taking the time to use the plugin -- I really appreciate it. I'll take a look into this

jordanhandy commented 2 weeks ago

Released as 1.0.0