jordanhandy / obsidian-cloudinary-uploader

An uploader for Obsidian to Cloudinary
MIT License
24 stars 3 forks source link

Improvements #2

Closed lishid closed 2 years ago

lishid commented 2 years ago

Here are some improvements you can look into: This logic seems faulty - if files.length is equal to 0 then it shouldn't be able to access files[0]. Need to move this up one line. You don't want to do this - because editor-paste runs for every paste event. Doing so will break regular pasting text. Instead of using getValue() and split('\n'), you should use getLine() and lineCount.

jordanhandy commented 2 years ago

Recommendations should be implemented with 277ddf389dd4a188ac41cab3f1a297856f4ebdc7