jordanhandy / obsidian-cloudinary-uploader

An uploader for Obsidian to Cloudinary
MIT License
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Upload failing #21

Closed menagerie198 closed 1 day ago

menagerie198 commented 1 week ago

Hi Jordan, sorry to be a pain. Using v1.0.2 I am consistently getting a failed upload on pasting an image into Obsidian. I just get ![uploading...](3jt.nv41) in Source mode, and 3jt.nv42 could not be found in Live Preview. I tried rolling back to 1.0.0, and 0.03 - same result. So it looks like there is something wrong my end. This is what the Dev Console offers… Can you help? image

jordanhandy commented 1 week ago

Can you send me a screenshot of your plugin settings? You've defined your cloud name and upload preset name, correct?

Is this a drag / drop, or a ctrl / cmd + c, ctrl / cmd + v that you're using to trigger the paste?

menagerie198 commented 1 week ago

Here you go…. Cloudname and upload template defined. I have used Right Click>copy image, from a webpage, then Ctrl+V 2024-06-17 (2) 2024-06-17 (1) 2024-06-17

jordanhandy commented 1 week ago

@menagerie198 Settings seem fine to me.

What version of Obsidian are you running? What about web browser that you copied the media from? Seems like your system doesn't have access to FormData which is what builds your request to upload to Cloudinary, though it is part of the Node API. since v18 and should be available.

Can you try updating the Obsidian app if you're not on the current version?

menagerie198 commented 1 week ago

Ah … possibly it is the Obsidian version I am using. It is an Alpha, with the latest Electron version. I will try to figure out how to roll back to the previous version. Might take me a little while - its getting close to sleepy time here.

menagerie198 commented 1 week ago

Yup -- that was it! I rolled back to the public Obsidian 1.6.3, with Electron version ?? and all is well again with Cloudinary/Uploader. It seems there is something in Electron 30 that doesn’t get on with Cloudinary, and/or your plugin.

jordanhandy commented 1 week ago

Noted. Thanks for the info. Maybe I'll look at seeing if I can fix that up

menagerie198 commented 1 day ago

Just to note that with the latest version of Obsidian (v 1.6.5, including the latest installer) all is well. Cloudinary Uploader works as intended.

jordanhandy commented 1 day ago

Thanks for confirming. I'll close this for now. From what I could find, it looks like this was a bug with the version of Electron that was in the alpha. (

Since Obsidian uses the newest version, the fix to the above issue has been applied.