jordansissel / keynav

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Configuring Grid-nav a bit more precisely #55

Open lolive opened 3 years ago

lolive commented 3 years ago

With Keynav, I have found a workflow that suits my pointing needs nicely. But I had to workaround a little bit the grid-nav directive.

(please note that on my french keyboard twosuperior is located just above the Tab, i think this is the backquote on QWERTY keyboards).

Here is my .keynavrc:

twosuperior start,grid-nav on,grid 15x15 shift+twosuperior grid-nav off,grid 3x3, cell-select 2x2 j move-left 10 k move-down 10 l move-up 10 m move-right 10 space warp, click 1, end

And my workflow is as follows: 1: I "twosuperior" for the grid-nav. 2: Then I type two letters to identify a rectangle among the 15x15 ones. 3: I then "shift+twosuperior" to quit grid-nav, enable a 3x3 grid at the selected rectangle, and automatically focus on the middle rectangle of that 3x3 grid. 4: I then use jklm to move that rectangle until its location suits my needs. 5: And then I press Space.

That's really a nice worflow for me. But I feel the step 3 could be launched automatically as a kind of "trigger" upon the selection of the rectangle in the grid-nav.

Is there any configuration for a workflow like the one above, but with the step 3 being launched automatically without me having to press "shift+twosuperior" ?

In case this is not possible yet, can we discuss a more fine-grained configuration of the grid-nav directive?

jordansissel commented 3 years ago


I'm not sure this is possible yet, but It sounds like a useful feature to be able to change to a different grid mode as you describe.