In this module we will introduce basic SQL Syntax, Interact with a database its tables to via SQL Queries and Updates to give you enough understanding of SQL for the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) and Jakarta Persistence (JPA) courses
11 videos, 1 reading, 1 practice quiz
[ ] Ungraded Lab: Creating Tables and inserting data
[ ] Video: Lab 2 Walkthrough - Create Database
[ ] Video: Lab 2 Walkthrough Continued - Insert Data and Query
[ ] Video: Basic SQL Statements
[ ] Video: Comprehensive Lab
[ ] Ungraded Lab: Putting it all together
[ ] Video: Lab 3 Walkthrough - SetUp
[ ] Video: Lab 3 Walkthrough - Select Queries
[ ] Reading: SQL Links
[ ] Ungraded Plugin: Module 1 Activity
[ ] Practice Quiz: Quiz
Graded: Module 1 Exam
Week 2 Putting it together, Joins and SubQueries
In this module you will apply more complex where clauases in your SQL Statements. You will then move onto the concept of joining tables through SQL Join Queries and also SubQueries
5 videos, 2 readings, 1 practice quiz
Week 1 Create Database, Tables and Queries
In this module we will introduce basic SQL Syntax, Interact with a database its tables to via SQL Queries and Updates to give you enough understanding of SQL for the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) and Jakarta Persistence (JPA) courses 11 videos, 1 reading, 1 practice quiz
Graded: Module 1 Exam
Week 2 Putting it together, Joins and SubQueries
In this module you will apply more complex where clauases in your SQL Statements. You will then move onto the concept of joining tables through SQL Join Queries and also SubQueries 5 videos, 2 readings, 1 practice quiz
Graded: Module 2 Exam