Open ghost opened 3 years ago
graying out is how it is supposed to be: when you change context to 2016 for example
Thanks for this, yeah, it's supposed to work like Betim said above, just pick the active project that will highlight the code within the desired preprocessor symbol
Hi Jordi, I create new Fake Message RetrieveCurrentOrganizationRequest, which uses fake OrganizationUrl, Company and Organization. I just need your help to fix preprocessor directives, because RetrieveCurrentOrganizationRequest is supported by FAKE_XRM_EASY.2015 and higher. When I delete FAKE_XRM_EASY.2013 from preprocessor directives(1st line in commited file), whole code grayout so it will not be executed. (Image 1 - code greyouts without FAKE_XRM_EASY.2013)
(Image 2 - code should be executed but it's not supported for FAKE_XRM_EASY.2013)