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jordon-magit not working #1

Open Xparx opened 8 years ago

Xparx commented 8 years ago

Hi, Thought I move the debugging here not to spam the emacs.stackexchange thread. Hope you don't mind.

I am trying to run your jordon-magit but with the error that

save-excursion: move-to-window-line called from unrelated buffer

If I run


I seem to get the correct info, name of file start line and number of lines of region. if I run the cleanup script it cleans up the magit buffer as expected but when running the jordon-ispell it errors. (I swear it was working for 1second and I can't figure out how!) If you have any idea or have time to help it's greatly appreciated.

jordonbiondo commented 8 years ago

Hmm, I haven't been able to figure out what could cause that, both commands are working for me. Were you able to sort this out?

Xparx commented 8 years ago

Sorry, I haven't had time to look at it completely. I'm guessing it's some setting in my init file that is messing it up. I will take a look as soon as possible.

Xparx commented 8 years ago

I tried to run the code with a fresh init file only loading magit and I get the same errors. I run the following versions of software. Magit 2.3.1-194-g00e32ab, Git 2.5.0, Emacs

The following code is the init file I use. As you can see I use el-get and fetch magit with that, but it shouldn't make a difference.

(require 'cl) ; a rare necessary use of REQUIRE, this is for common lisp!

;; remember this directory
(setq emacs-init-dir
      (file-name-directory (or load-file-name (buffer-file-name))))

;; ========== Essential settings ==========
(setq inhibit-startap-message t)
(setq initial-scratch-message "")
(setq inhibit-startup-screen t)
(blink-cursor-mode t)
(setq-default fill-column 66)                 ;; Make newline insertion in the right place
(column-number-mode 1)                        ;; Show column-number in the mode line
(scroll-bar-mode -1)                          ;; Removes the scroll bar
(tool-bar-mode -1)                            ;; Hide toolbar in graphics mode
(menu-bar-mode -1)                            ;; Remove the menu bar, Remove this when menu becomes part of the global menu.
(global-set-key [f1] 'menu-bar-mode)          ;; Toggle menu bar mode with f1
(global-set-key [f12] 'toggle-truncate-lines) ;; Toggle-truncate-lines keybinding
(global-set-key [f11] 'visual-line-mode)      ;; Toggle nice soft line wrapping
(setq blink-matching-delay .1)                ;; Matching parenthesis timer default 1
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)           ;; Make sure no tabs are present.
(setq-default tab-width 4)

;; load el-get here.
(setq el-get-dir (expand-file-name "el-get" emacs-init-dir))
(add-to-list 'load-path (concat emacs-init-dir "el-get/el-get"))

(unless (require 'el-get nil 'noerror)
    (let (el-get-master-branch)
      (goto-char (point-max))

(add-to-list 'el-get-recipe-path (concat emacs-init-dir "recipes"))

(message "init.el has loaded in %d s" (destructuring-bind (hi lo ms ps) (current-time) (- (+ hi lo) (+ (first *emacs-load-start*) (second *emacs-load-start*)))))
;;; init.el ends here

I fire up Emacs with emacs -q -l ~/src/bugfix-magit-aspell/init.el, let el-get install and install magit with M-x el-get-install RET magit RET and finally load your jordon-magit file.

If you have the time to give it a look that would be great. What emacs and magit, versions are you running? I will see what I can figure out. As I said, It looked like it was working once.

Happy New-year btw!

jordonbiondo commented 8 years ago

Are you calling (jordon-magit-line-region-of-section-at-point) directly or is that just where the error is?

What happens when you run M-x jordon-ispell-this-hunk?

Xparx commented 8 years ago

The error arises when I run M-x jordon-ispell-this-hunk when in the magit status buffer inside a hunk.

jordonbiondo commented 8 years ago

I've still been unable to reproduce this. I'm going to close this.

Xparx commented 8 years ago

I understand. Thank you for your time. Just one more thing, if you please could post your versions of emacs and magit/git so that I myself might track down the answer and testing the code. I'm still very interested in getting this working and I'm sure it does work with the correct setup. When I get more time I will continue looking in to this.

jordonbiondo commented 8 years ago

Time to eat my words, I'm able to reproduce it now, I'll open this back up and work on it soon.

Magit 20151211.226, Git 2.5.4 (Apple Git-61), Emacs

Xparx commented 8 years ago

Ok, at least I'm not crazy 😊. Thanks again.