jordoncodes / OldAnimationsFabric

1.7 Animations/Old Animations on modern versions of Minecraft.
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Some additions plus 1.21 #1

Open Polisvh opened 1 month ago

Polisvh commented 1 month ago

First I want to say it's cool mod, really like it But I've found following issues: In third person, the sword is displayed outside the hand There is no old sneaking animation and old rotation when moving backwards There is also no old swinging animation - I would recommend considering to add some sort of old swing animations Also when you blocksword, the swinging animation is kinda weird... like you could join "labymod" and use "classic pvp" feature and compare their blockhit sword with yours, like yours is attacking from the bottom and theirs from the top idk how to describe it rly

I believe this producer might help: there are old sneaking and old swing animations and some other cool stuff you could add!

I want to suggest to add a possibility to perform a swing animation while using shield in the main hand (there are servers in 1.20+ that try to bring back old pvp with removing cooldown and to add "swordblocking" they use actual shields that are retextured to swords with custom model data, so adding a possibility to turn on swing animation while blocking with shield in main hand would really help a lot!

Also if it would be possible to remove "raise animation" while blocking shield - like you know to perform shield blocking there is a 5 tick delay before you can block attacks but there is also a 1 tick animation to raise shield from the bottom to start blocking, if you could add an option to disable this raise animation and go into blocking position instantly I would be so very thankful

jordoncodes commented 1 month ago

In third person, the sword is displayed outside the hand

The third person sword is something im prolly gonna fix I originally based this off editing and comparing to lunarclient 1.8 which did it entirely wrong at the time iirc

There is no old sneaking animation and old rotation when moving backwards

I can implement those

like yours is attacking from the bottom and theirs from the top idk how to describe it rly

not sure what you're talking about but I'll take a look

so adding a possibility to turn on swing animation while blocking with shield in main hand would really help a lot!

alright that one would be easy to add

an option to disable this raise animation and go into blocking position instantly I would be so very thankful

removing a delay like that might be considered cheating on some servers, but i can still try

I don't have too much time but I'll try and improve the mod with those changes (and probably others) and update it if I get the time

If you have programming knowledge feel free to make a pr to my crappy code, although dont use labymod for a comparison use 1.7.10

jordoncodes commented 1 month ago

I have taken the time to overlay a video of me swinging on 1.7 with a video with this mod swinging, the opaque sword is the 1.7.10 sword

the position of the sword is slightly different and my version of the swing animation is a little off (i made a 1.7.10 mod just to change the tick rate to 1 lol)

jordoncodes commented 1 month ago

I have committed a change improving the visuals of sword blocking in first person (for 1.20.4), it took longer than i thought it would have, it's pretty close to vanilla 1.7.10. I'll make changes and improve it then update to 1.21 or whatever update is the latest when I'm done

Polisvh commented 1 month ago

thats all cool to hear my buddy

jordoncodes commented 1 month ago

alright i got the "disabling shield delay" feature you wanted working, if you want to use it (at least on 1.20.4) here is the commit e03d1be you can built it yourself or wait for when i release it/update

Polisvh commented 1 month ago

alright i got the "disabling shield delay" feature you wanted working, if you want to use it (at least on 1.20.4) here is the commit e03d1be you can built it yourself or wait for when i release it/update

To be precise, I didnt mean the block delay ot something but the raising hand animation, you know

Like you dont raise the shield to start blocking but you rather instantly go to blocking animation It was performed by either removing attack cooldown animation when switching items, or old swinging animation etc.

jordoncodes commented 1 month ago

alright i got the "disabling shield delay" feature you wanted working, if you want to use it (at least on 1.20.4) here is the commit e03d1be you can built it yourself or wait for when i release it/update

To be precise, I didnt mean the block delay ot something but the raising hand animation, you know

Like you dont raise the shield to start blocking but you rather instantly go to blocking animation

It was performed by either removing attack cooldown animation when switching items, or old swinging animation etc.

what you're asking for there is part of what that commit has

jordoncodes commented 1 month ago

everything in this pull request has been implemented (except for the 1.21 update), next release will have everything or you can just build from source if you want it quicker