jordwest / news-feed-eradicator

A browser extension that deletes your news feed and replaces it with a nice quote
MIT License
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Blocking Marketplace & Groups posts in newest version (2.2.2) #212

Open jcwsurf opened 2 years ago

jcwsurf commented 2 years ago

now the extension is blocking my Marketplace & Groups feed on each category's respective landing page - super annoying, so please fix this ASAP!!!! Mac OS X using Brave 1.42.88

theDanielJLewis commented 2 years ago

Ditto! Blocking the Facebook homepage is fine, because I go to just to check notifications, and I don't want to be bombarded with posts and ads.

But I intetionally visit the Groups feed or Marketplace, so it's getting very annoying to have to temporarily disable the blocking while I'm engaging in my groups.

Also, it gets annoying when the timer runs out while I'm writing a comment in a group. Everything disappears. As long as I don't leave or refresh the page, my text isn't lost after I give myself more time, but I still have to try finding the post again in order to finish writing it.

This Groups and Marketplace blocking is really annoying and has me thinking of uninstalling the extension.

theDanielJLewis commented 2 years ago

It looks like 2.2.3 no longer blocks the group feed. Yay!