joreilly / Confetti

KMP GraphQL based conference project with Jetpack Compose Android, Compose for Wear, Compose Multiplatform and SwiftUI iOS clients along with GraphQL backend.
Apache License 2.0
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DevFest Nantes - Some partners logoUrl return a 404 #78

Closed RobinCaroff closed 2 years ago

RobinCaroff commented 2 years ago

Some DevFest Nantes partners logoUrl return a 404; e.g.: OVH and ISILOG.

This is due to the fact that OVH's logo is a .webp and isilog is a .jpg image. Is there anything we can do about it ?

An easy fix is to request DevFest Nantes to only use .png but it would be great to have a more resilient system.

RobinCaroff commented 2 years ago

Ping @martinbonnin

martinbonnin commented 2 years ago

Done in