jorenn92 / Maintainerr

Looks and smells like Overseerr, does the opposite. Maintenance tool for the Plex ecosystem
MIT License
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Setup on Synology / Docker #1049

Open MichaelGoedken opened 2 months ago

MichaelGoedken commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug Running on Docker Synology DSM 7. I switched the network from bridge to host for Maintainerr, but I can't get it to run. When I start it on host, I get this message in a loop:

 ⨯ Failed to start server
Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND maintainerr
    at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (node:dns:107:26) {
  errno: -3008,
  code: 'ENOTFOUND',
  syscall: 'getaddrinfo',
  hostname: 'maintainerr'

To Reproduce

docker run -d --name=maintainerr \
-p 6246:6246 \
-u 1026:100 \
-e TZ=America/Chicago \
-v /volume1/docker/maintainerr/config:/opt/data \
--restart always \
--net=host \
jorenn92 commented 2 months ago

A possibility is that the UI can no longer connect to the backend because they're both running on the host network, perhaps due to ports already in use. I haven’t tested this yet, it’s my initial hypothesis. I’ll attempt to replicate the issue later.

Do you need the host network? Aren't you able to use the normal network mode?

Sn3ider commented 2 months ago

@jorenn92 I can run Maintainerr on DSM7, however when I add a custom UID and GID I got the following error: Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/docker/maintainerr/.cache'

This happens when I change the HOME location to the mapped volume. It will work when HOME is set to /

The user has access to these locations yet I got a permission denied. Even if I start the container with high privilege I have the same error. 1000:1000 will have the same result. With my local admin the issue is the same.

Any advice to setup a custom home location to save the config files so it won't disappear when a new update will be installed?



MichaelGoedken commented 1 month ago

@jorenn92 For some reason in normal network mode Maintainerr cannot talk to *arr apps that are also hosted on the Synology on the host network.

jorenn92 commented 1 month ago

@jorenn92 For some reason in normal network mode Maintainerr cannot talk to *arr apps that are also hosted on the Synology on the host network.

How are you connecting the apps? If Maintainerr isn't using the 'host' network but the other apps are, they should still be reachable using http://:.

I've seen other reports where DSM7 Docker containers had issues with DNS name resolution. Perhaps that's also at play here?

Sn3ider commented 1 month ago

ome reason in normal network mode Maintainerr cannot talk to *arr apps that are also hosted on the Synology on the host network.

What is the IP you are giving to Maintainerr to reach the normal network when you are using a bridge network? You have to call the gateway and not the normal network IP.