jorgebucaran / fisher

A plugin manager for Fish
MIT License
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First-class support for `$fisher_path` #640

Closed jorgebucaran closed 2 years ago

jorgebucaran commented 3 years ago

We can customize the installation path using $fisher_path, but Fisher doesn't help you with the boilerplate code necessary to load it during startup. It would be great if Fisher did all this work when you're using a custom $fisher_path.

Something like this via $__fish_config/conf.d/ would do it:

set --query fisher_path || exit

set fish_function_path $fish_function_path[1] $fisher_path/functions $fish_function_path[2..-1]
set fish_complete_path $fish_complete_path[1] $fisher_path/completions $fish_complete_path[2..-1]

for file in $fisher_path/conf.d/*.fish
    source $file
vamega commented 3 years ago

I was able to make this work with the following snippet. I couldn't use the return since the code isn't running in a function, and had to switch to using cat since the the redirection didn't work when there were multiple files in the conf.d directory.

if set --query fisher_path

    set fish_function_path $fish_function_path[1] $fisher_path/functions $fish_function_path[2..-1]
    set fish_complete_path $fish_complete_path[1] $fisher_path/completions $fish_complete_path[2..-1]

    set --local files $fisher_path/conf.d/*.fish && set --query files[1] && cat $files | source
jorgebucaran commented 3 years ago

I should've used exit and just a for loop instead, thanks! @vamega

kidonng commented 3 years ago

👋 I write a simple plugin to make $fisher_path work in one-line:

curl -sSL --create-dirs -o $__fish_config_dir/conf.d/
ghost commented 2 years ago

@jorgebucaran is there any plans on adding a "out of the box" support for $fisher_path?

It would be really nice to have this without the need of extra boilerplate code or third party plugins

jorgebucaran commented 2 years ago

Sorry, not at this time. I get that out-of-the-box support would be nice to have for some, but using a plugin like @kidonng's works just as well, allowing me to keep Fisher simple, which is also in the interest of all of us.

ghost commented 2 years ago

I see your point, but wouldn't it be counter-intuitive to have a variable that only instructs the plugin manager where to install the plugins, when you need to manually write extra configuration to actually be able to make use of those installed plugins?

Shouldn't it be part of fisher project scope?

jorgebucaran commented 2 years ago

You are right, which is why using $fisher_path was essentially a "hack" until we decided to document it.

I am not completely made up my mind about this yet, which is why the issue is still open.

kidonng commented 2 years ago

@henriquehbr Just want to say that while it is possible to use it as a Fisher plugin, the recommend way to use it is to put it in ~/. config/fish/conf.d or copy the snippet to your

ghost commented 2 years ago

@kidonng What would be the possible pitfalls of using it as a fisher plugin?

At the moment, i'm using it in my and it's working fine, but i also considered the option of using it as a plugin for keeping clean

kidonng commented 2 years ago

You will still need some boilerplate code like source $fisher_path/conf.d/ in order for it to work. Also I don't think it will be updated often (if it even needs update, that is), you can just put it in your ~/. config/fish/conf.d and relax.

jorgebucaran commented 2 years ago

Why do you need that boilerplate? @kidonng.

kidonng commented 2 years ago

I was replying to @henriquehbr's question that what's the downside of using it as a fisher plugin, where your still have to source the plugin in order for it to do its job.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the advice @kidonng, i think i'll go with this solution, even though it requires an extra source, it also unclutters, which for me is pretty nice

jorgebucaran commented 2 years ago

I know you were. I'm just confused, why the extra boilerplate with the plugin?

ghost commented 2 years ago

Hey @jorgebucaran, according to this heads-up on the docs:

Fisher expands plugins into your Fish configuration directory by default, overwriting existing files. If you wish to change this behavior, set $fisher_path to your preferred location and put it in your function path

By default, if you run fisher update, your plugins are overwritten, but if you have $fisher_path set, this doesn't happen, and fisher update fails with the following message:

fisher: Cannot install "...": please remove or move conflicting files first:

Is that correct? if yes, is there some way to keep the custom $fisher_path and still "force" a update overwriting conflicting files with some kind of a --force flag? probably, this doesn't exists yet, would you consider such feature as a valid addition?

jorgebucaran commented 2 years ago

That message is also shown whenever you try to install a plugin that's already installed. Are you saying that setting $fisher_path may be causing fisher update to fail to update? Then that may be a bug. I expect fisher update to always update my plugins.

ghost commented 2 years ago

I have fisher pre-installed on my dotfiles repo (to avoid having to install it manually), but whenever i try to update my plugins, this message appears, and fisher is automatically removed from the fish_plugins file, i'm not sure if it's necessarily $fisher_path fault

Isn't it a good idea to overwrite installed plugins on update by default?

jorgebucaran commented 2 years ago

Isn't it a good idea to overwrite installed plugins on update by default?

That's exactly what Fisher does.

I'll need you to share your dotfiles with us. Maybe it's not a Fisher issue at all.

ghost commented 2 years ago

There you go:

Thanks in advance! :)

jorgebucaran commented 2 years ago

You have a few things like . instead of source, also I'm not sure if this command should be interactive or not. If it isn't, guard it behind status is-interactive.

I'd start commenting out stuff to see if I can narrow down the issue a bit. If you can't figure it out, I'd suggest creating a Docker image with a repro. Have a look at Fisher's ci.yml for tips.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Spotted the issue! since i migrated from zsh to fish, i've been having trouble dealing with the fish_variables file, from what i've observed, renaming plugin file (including the completions) to and re-running fisher update got it working properly

Seems like deleting fish_variables undo a bunch of important changes, including the universal variable _fisher_plugins, which made fisher stop working when the variables file was regenerated

The reason for deleting fish_variables is because i wanted to make atomic commits to my dotfiles repo of only a specific set of changes, instead of everything at once

@jorgebucaran do you know a better way of dealing with this specific situation, or it's just something that i have to get used to?

jorgebucaran commented 2 years ago

Deal with what exactly? If you clobber Fisher's state you are going to break it.

jorgebucaran commented 2 years ago

The solution consists of adding a conf.d snippet to check if $fisher_path is set and doing something like I'm not really eager to add a conf.d snippet at this time, but I'm still intrigued by the idea. I may revisit this in the future. For now, this (slightly modified) code from @kidonng does it:

! set --query fisher_path[1] || test "$fisher_path" = $__fish_config_dir && exit

set fish_complete_path $fish_complete_path[1] $fisher_path/completions $fish_complete_path[2..]
set fish_function_path $fish_function_path[1] $fisher_path/functions $fish_function_path[2..]

for file in $fisher_path/conf.d/*.fish
    source $file
martisj commented 1 year ago

I know this is closed, but I am struggling to understand how to properly export the $fisher_path variable.

In I have tried set -gx fisher_path ~/.config/fish/fisher and set -x fisher_path ~/.config/fish/fisher (just export, still unsure what the difference is). But the only thing that seems to work is set -Ux fisher_path ~/.config/fish/fisher. How do I keep track of this env variable in git?

jorgebucaran commented 1 year ago

If you are looking to change the default path where Fisher installs plugins, you only need to set $fisher_path to your desired location in No need to "export" anything. For the git part, commit to your dotfiles repo. You'll probably want to support configuration snippets as described above, but that's really up to you.

martisj commented 1 year ago

This is my

# function fish_vi_cursor; end

function fish_user_key_bindings
  for mode in insert default visual
    bind -M $mode \cf forward-word
    bind -M $mode \ce forward-char
    bind -M $mode \co forward-char
  # bind -M default \e\e 'thefuck-command-line'  # Bind EscEsc to thefuck

# set -x GOPATH (go env GOPATH)
set --global --export MSSQL_TEST_PASS CrowdCrowd2
set --global --export EDITOR nvim
set --global --export NNN_PLUG z:autojump
set --global --export PYENV_ROOT /Users/ms/.pyenv
set --global --export LS_COLORS gxfxbEaEBxxEhEhBaDaCaD
set --global --export XDG_CONFIG_HOME $HOME/.config
set --global --export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT /Users/ms/Library/Android/sdk
# set --global --export FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND fd --type file --follow --hidden --exclude .git
# set --global --export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND fd --type file --follow --hidden --exclude .git

set --global --export JAVA_HOME /Users/ms/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/corretto-16.0.2/Contents/Home

set --universal --export fisher_path ~/.config/fish/fisher

# Don't show no message when logging in
set --global fish_greeting

if not type -q fisher
  echo "`fisher` is not installed, install with `curl -sL | source && fisher install jorgebucaran/fisher` or check"

starship init fish | source

So I can do set fisher_path ~/.config/fish/fisher and that's it? If I only do that I can't run fisher in any new terminals.

jorgebucaran commented 1 year ago

~/.config/fish/fisher is a directory, right? Forgot to mention that you need to add that location to Fish's $fish_function_path and $fish_complete_path as described here.

martisj commented 1 year ago

Yes, indeed ~/.config/fish/fisher is a dir 👍 However I have installed @kidonng 's into ~/.config/fish/conf.d. But I still need to set $fisher_path as a universal var and export it.

@jorgebucaran are you using a custom $fisher_path in your setup, if so what does your look like?

jorgebucaran commented 1 year ago

You don't need to set $fisher_path to universal (you don't need to export it either), otherwise I would've mentioned that in the docs. The instructions provided in should be enough. What isn't working?

...are you using a custom $fisher_path in your setup

Not currently using a custom $fisher_path.

martisj commented 1 year ago

If I change my from

set -Ux fisher_path ~/.config/fish/fisher


set fisher_path ~/.config/fish/fisher

I can no longer use fisher when opening a new terminal.

jorgebucaran commented 1 year ago

Did you also add fisher_path to fish_function_path? If you don't, you won't be able to use Fisher in a new terminal.

martisj commented 1 year ago

Did you also add fisher_path to fish_function_path? If you don't, you won't be able to use Fisher in a new terminal.

Indeed I did. At least I think that's what @kidonng's plugin does. And the plugin

jorgebucaran commented 1 year ago

My suggestion: uninstall all your plugins (you can reinstall them once we've resolved this). Also make sure you are not using Oh My Fish.

Follow the instructions in this issue to customize your $fisher_path and let me know if you get stuck. Something in your environment breaks Fisher and it isn't Fisher.

martisj commented 1 year ago

I feel like there is a step I am missing. This is what I did:

  1. Delete $__fish_config_dir/fisher
  2. Copy into $__fish_config_dir/conf.d/
  3. Edit put set fisher_path $__fish_config_dir/fisher close to the top of the file
  4. Install fisher as per instructions: curl -sL | source && fisher install jorgebucaran/fisher
  5. See some error message about not finding fzf_configure_bindings (makes sense since the fisher plugin is not installed)
  6. Each time I open a new terminal and run fisher I get fish: Unknown command: fisher

Can you see what I am doing wrong? @jorgebucaran

jorgebucaran commented 1 year ago

Do you have to delete $__fish_config_dir/fisher? Isn't that where you want to point your fisher_path to?

martisj commented 1 year ago

Do you have to delete $__fish_config_dir/fisher? Isn't that where you want to point your fisher_path to?

I followed your steps of removing all plugins first. Deleting everything inside $__fish_config_dir/fisher/* is what I did. I made sure the folder existed before opening a new terminal.

jorgebucaran commented 1 year ago

Did you clear out or commented everything in your

martisj commented 1 year ago

Did you clear out or commented everything in your

Nope! That's a very good point... 😬 will try.

elegios commented 1 year ago

@martisj Because I happened to run into this issue and just read the documantation on fish configuration files, I suspect that the issue is the order of execution of configuration files in fish. Seems scripts in conf.d are executed before the main This means that when your conf.d script runs fisher_path is unset, then you get to and set it. When you instead use set -U the variable persists, so the conf.d script sees the value set by the previous shell.

edosrecki commented 6 months ago

What @elegios is the reason that @martisj is having issues.

If you follow instructions from @jorgebucaran (, you MUST set fisher_path as universal in order for that snippet to do its work in conf.d/.

Other option is to simply set it there (without -U flag), in that same snippet in conf.d/.

set fisher_path $__fish_config_dir/fisher

set fish_complete_path $fish_complete_path[1] $fisher_path/completions $fish_complete_path[2..]
set fish_function_path $fish_function_path[1] $fisher_path/functions $fish_function_path[2..]

for file in $fisher_path/conf.d/*.fish
    source $file