jorgebucaran / fisher

A plugin manager for Fish
MIT License
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`fisher update` returns conflicting files errors and removes `fish_plugins` file #670

Closed jimblue closed 3 years ago

jimblue commented 3 years ago


I'm having some issues with fisher update command, when I run it I get the following errors :

fisher update
fisher update version 4.3.0
fisher: Cannot install "jorgebucaran/fisher": please remove or move conflicting files first:
fisher: Cannot install "adriaanzon/fish-artisan-completion": please remove or move conflicting files first:
fisher: Cannot install "dracula/fish": please remove or move conflicting files first:
fisher: Cannot install "jethrokuan/fzf": please remove or move conflicting files first:
fisher: Cannot install "jethrokuan/z": please remove or move conflicting files first:

It's also removing my symlinked fish_plugins file, so if I run fisher update again it I get the following error :

fisher: "/Users/jimblue/.config/fish/fish_plugins" file not found: "update"

I usually run fisher update from a fish alias to update everything on my mac :

alias update 'brew update; brew upgrade; brew cleanup; brew doctor; npm install npm -g && npm update -g; composer global update; fisher update; z --clean'

But the problem is the same if a run fisher update directly too.

Hope this give enough information ? 😃

jimblue commented 3 years ago

It's also worth mentioning that fisher list doesn't seem to work even if a fish_plugins file exist :

Screenshot 2021-03-28 at 15 22 56
jorgebucaran commented 3 years ago

Fisher's state seems to be broken (not sure, but this could happen if you tamper with $fisher_ universal variables or upgrade from Fisher 3 incorrectly) and the easiest way to go back to normal is to reinstall everything.

So, try removing all plugins, including Fisher, and reinstalling everything.

jimblue commented 3 years ago

Ok just understood, I was using the installation snippet from the doc which was erasing overwriting my fish_plugins.

I've change the fisher install for fisher update like bellow and now everything working !

if status is-interactive && ! functions -q fisher
  curl -sL | source && fisher update

Thank you for your help 😄