jorgebucaran / fisher

A plugin manager for Fish
MIT License
7.55k stars 257 forks source link

Error on Install #679

Closed noahgaertner closed 2 years ago

noahgaertner commented 2 years ago

Hi, I just tried to install fisher on an up to date (3.3.1), brew-installed version of fish (on arm64 MacOS) and I get the following error when trying to install:

fish: Unknown command: fish
- (line 79):
                fish --command "
                    if test -e $plugin
                        command cp -Rf $plugin/* $source
                        set temp (command mktemp -d)
                        set name (string split \@ $plugin) || set name[2] HEAD
                        set url\$name[1]/tar.gz/\$name[2]

                        echo Fetching (set_color --underline)\$url(set_color normal)

                        if curl --silent \$url | tar -xzC \$temp -f - 2>/dev/null
                            command cp -Rf \$temp/*/* $source
                            echo fisher: Invalid plugin name or host unavailable: \\\"$plugin\\\" >&2
                            command rm -rf $source
                        command rm -rf \$temp

                    set files $source/* && string match --quiet --regex -- .+\.fish\\\$ \$files
                " &
in function 'fisher' with arguments 'install jorgebucaran/fisher'
Installing jorgebucaran/fisher
Installed 1 plugin/s

How do I fix this?

jorgebucaran commented 2 years ago

How did you try to install it? What specific steps did you follow?

dteoh commented 2 years ago

I had the same issue, it is not an issue with fisher. After upgrading fish, the $PATH got reset and no longer included /usr/local/bin. Run fish_add_path /usr/local/bin, then install fisher again.