jorgebucaran / fisher

A plugin manager for Fish
MIT License
7.53k stars 257 forks source link

Add link of home-brew formula Fischer to README #696

Closed Anselmoo closed 2 years ago

Anselmoo commented 2 years ago

Add link of home-brew formula Fischer to README

jorgebucaran commented 2 years ago

Hi @Anselmoo, thanks! Could you walk me through the formula? Where does Fisher get installed exactly?

Anselmoo commented 2 years ago

@jorgebucaran thx for the feedback! To be sure, I didn't develop the bottle, so I assume:

  1. Download the latest release and compare sha256
  2. Copy the two to dir
  3. Make a test in env


In summary, I thoughts it might help to conclude README??

class Fisher < Formula
  desc "Plugin manager for the Fish shell"
  homepage ""
  url ""
  sha256 "be4313076a57d05fe2e49a7bd1c2fa8fa2f041af837a31974cd1d8d1f397bf29"
  license "MIT"

  bottle do
    sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, all: "06b0c91b96b21c90c38022f9365a72e2c6fcbfe544cdb4c46f43b347df750bbd"

  depends_on "fish"

  def install
    fish_function.install "functions/"
    fish_completion.install "completions/"

  test do
    system "#{Formula["fish"].bin}/fish", "-c", "fisher install jethrokuan/z"
    assert_equal".config/fish/fish_plugins"), "jethrokuan/z\n"
jorgebucaran commented 2 years ago

Thanks @Anselmoo. Do you have any idea where (what directory) Fisher would get installed by this?

Anselmoo commented 2 years ago

Thanks @Anselmoo. Do you have any idea where (what directory) Fisher would get installed by this?


First, it links to \loca\lCellar\fisher Then plugins and fisher will be located at .config after install or update

jorgebucaran commented 2 years ago

Hmm, wouldn't that affect Fisher self-update during fisher update? I need to try this setup.

@Anselmoo Have you had any issues?

Anselmoo commented 2 years ago

No, it's fine, it looks like that after fisher update, it updates regularly. Just fisher will be updated by brew.

jorgebucaran commented 2 years ago

Fisher will self-update every time you fisher update.

Anselmoo commented 2 years ago

Ic, therefore fisher.fishwill come back to ~.config/fish. If the homebrew formula is not matching, close the PR and issue

jorgebucaran commented 2 years ago

There's a similar situation with the arch package, Pacman puts it in a similar location, but then fisher update self-updates and puts Fisher files in your $fisher_path.