jorgebucaran / hyperapp

1kB-ish JavaScript framework for building hypertext applications
MIT License
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Provide a list of example apps to help build community #370

Closed rajaraodv closed 6 years ago

rajaraodv commented 6 years ago

I created a list of examples that I'd love to see built by us (I'm happy to contribute). All these are taken from the React ecosystem. We can use this list as a guidelines and top-level things that the community will need to come onboard and be successful. Note: We may already have some ready to be used.

In JS, we can solve everything 100s of ways. I'm looking to provide a set of "prescribed" ways of doing things (both for small and large apps) - even if it comes with some caveats.

Examples from React To Be Ported To Hyperapp

The purpose of this is to have links to examples that shows Hyperapp's core concepts, organizing large projects, dealing with 3rd party libraries and so on.

All the examples should try to have:

  1. Have a testable UI (i.e. not just concepts)
  2. Have Comments/documentation
  3. Closer and similar to "Elm" architecture than "React" architecture.
    1. Use Functional programming tehniques
    2. Use Functional libraries like Ramda (if needed)
    3. Use Flow (if possible) for type checking.
    4. Use "MayBe" or Null checks to avoid all run-time errors.

Explain Concepts

  1. React Tutorial - (final app:

    1. What is Model-View-Update
    2. States and Lifecycle -
    3. Passing data through "props"
    4. Handling Actions
    5. Handling DOM events
    6. React's classes vs Hyperapp's functions
    7. Conditional Rendering
    8. Immutablilty
    9. Keys in lists -
  2. Forms

  3. "Refs" and DOM equivalent

  4. "Composition vs inheritance" -

  5. "Higher-order components"

  6. "Reconciliation" equivalent in HyperApp

  7. Testing - Jest?

  8. Namespace resolution

  9. Mixins - Why and How


  1. Examples that shows how to style components
  2. How to use various CSS libraries like "Styled components".

Explain How To Organize Code And Build Realistic Apps

  1. Provide a large app and uses 3rd party libraries, Has authentication routes, has at least 10 different components.
    1. For example: Shopify clone that uses shopping cart, user authentication, products list, products details, emails, change password etc.

Build Fun Apps:

  1. Tetris With States - (currently in React)
  2. Gopherize me - (Go language)
  3. Emoji Search - (currently in React)
  4. Product comparison -
  5. Todo Example
  6. HackerNews Clone

Integrating 3rd party apps

  1. Integrating With jQuery plugin -
  2. Google Analytics in React -
  3. Stripe Checkout in React -
  4. D3 in React (D3 in React) Blog link:

Hyperapp Reusable components

  1. Create a partial list of awesome-react-components:
  2. React-Bootstrap


okwolf commented 6 years ago

@rajaraodv thanks for getting the ball rolling on this! Other sources of inspiration we could look to are the Elm examples and Vue.js examples.

jorgebucaran commented 6 years ago

@rajaraodv Maybe we can turn this into a checklist, otherwise it may stay open forever. šŸ˜…

EDIT: I updated your post to include all the examples you came up with. Thanks! šŸ‘‹

1zaak commented 6 years ago

+1 for Graphql example

webeli commented 6 years ago

I found the examples over at next.js very helpful when i started out. I feel alot of times i don't need to see the result of it, just some example code of how to get started with different implementations.

okwolf commented 6 years ago

We have hyperapp/awesome for cataloging example apps already built with Hyperapp. What I think we need is a list of example apps not yet built but that we would like to see built with Hyperapp. Maybe even come up with some non-monetary bounty incentive. šŸ¤”

jorgebucaran commented 6 years ago

Free Hyperapp stickers and random Japanese gift.

ismamz commented 6 years ago

Hi @JorgeBucaran! I have seen that you are working on improving the documentation. I have also seen that you have created a awesome list and you have examples in Codepen that are not linked in that list. I have created two examples that I saw in this thread and were not created yet: Markdown Editor (nice example of dangerouslySetInnerHTML) and Emoji Search.

I would like to be able to add these examples to the documentation, but I am not clear about the guidelines to do it. Would it be nice to add them in a list of examples in hyperapp / awesome? Or maybe on Tutorials section?

jorgebucaran commented 6 years ago

@ismamz Let's add them to hyperapp/awesome, can you create a PR there?

To add the examples to the tutorials section, perhaps start with one, write the tutorial, create the PR and we'll review it. Sounds good? šŸ˜„

ismamz commented 6 years ago

Perfect! I've added examples to the awesome list. I could start writing a tutorial, if you find it useful.

jorgebucaran commented 6 years ago

@ismamz Rather than another tutorial, I'd like to add documentation for currently undocumented concepts like slices, modules, etc. So, IMO a more useful contribution would be to write an original tutorial and publish it on your blog, gist, GitHub, etc.

What do you think? :)

ismamz commented 6 years ago

I think it's a good idea!

mrozbarry commented 6 years ago

This looks like the problem that LearnHyperapp wants to solve. You can DM me on the hyperapp slack channel for org access :)

zaceno commented 6 years ago

Here's a (quite simple) example app written with Hyperapp

Live Example:

zaceno commented 6 years ago

Oh and since someone mentioned Tetris, here's a start if someone wants to finish it (needs scoring, levels, main menu, prettiness...)

jorgebucaran commented 6 years ago

Idea: Helmet for Hyperapp

jorgebucaran commented 6 years ago

Let's see what we have accomplished so far.

We have better documentation.

We have a CodePen with basic examples. New examples coming soon! šŸ’„

We have a Medium Publication: Hyperapp Vox Populi (Want to write for us? Write an article and have me or @okwolf review it for publication. Feel free to reach me on Twitter @JorgeBucaran, my DM is open!).

There is also LearnHyperapp by @mrozbarry, if you want to join Alex in that adventure, all you need is ask him to add you as a collaborator of that organization.

There is also @Zaceno's Hypercraft Blog of rants, tricks and pitfalls. Check it out!

We are also on Twitter, follow @HyperappJS for news and announcements. If you make something cool with Hyperapp and want exposure, b>@</bmention us. You can also share it on Reddit's /r/Hyperapp or submit it to hyperapp/Awesome on GitHub.