jorgebucaran /

The Node.js version manager you'll adore, crafted just for Fish
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Reinstalling every day #150

Closed 1ak31sha closed 3 years ago

1ak31sha commented 3 years ago

hey, im getting a weird problem where i have to reinstall everyday...ive submitted the issue here for the fisher plugin directly, but perhaps its a fisher issue.

Screen Shot 2021-03-23 at 10 49 27 AM

here is the stuff you asked for on that other github issue posted above:

Screen Shot 2021-03-23 at 12 36 46 PM Screen Shot 2021-03-23 at 12 36 32 PM

function fish_vi_cursor; end

abbr -a -g gco git checkout
abbr -a -g gc 'git commit -m\''
abbr -a -g gl git log --oneline --decorate --graph

abbr -a -g ga 'git add . ; git status -s'
abbr -a -g gcan git commit --amend --no-edit
abbr -a -g gcop git checkout -
# doesnt work due to '' evaluates in fish
# abbr -a -g gdui git diff -- . ":(exclude)config/componentData.js"

# git log --shortstat --author="1ak31sha" | grep -E "fil(e|es) changed" | awk '{f
# iles+=$1; inserted+=$4; deleted+=$6} END {print "files changed: ", files, "line
# s inserted: ", inserted, "lines deleted: ", deleted }'
# files changed:  196 lines inserted:  43865 lines deleted:  43633

set -x DOTFILES        ~/workspace/dotfiles
#set -x PYENV_ROOT       $HOME/.pyenv
set -x ANDROID_HOME    $HOME/Library/Android/sdk
set -x NVM_DIR         $HOME/.nvm
set -x NODE_OPTIONS    --max_old_space_size=128192

set -x PATH $PATH      $ANDROID_HOME/tools
set -x PATH $PATH      $ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin
set -x PATH $PATH      $ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
set -x EDITOR          nvim
set -x PATH $PATH      $HOME/.local/bin
set -x JAVA_HOME       /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_181.jdk/Contents/Home
#set -x JAVA_HOME       /usr/bin/java
set -x GEM_PATH $PATH  ~/.gem
set -x GEM_HOME $PATH  ~/.gem
set -x PATH $PATH      /usr/local/bin
set -x gimp $PATH      /Applications/
set -x gimp $PATH      /Applications/
set -x RAINBARF        ~/.rainbarf.conf rainbarf
set -x PATH $PATH      /Users/lakeishapogrzeba/.deno/bin

set -x SHELL /bin/bash

source $DOTFILES/.sharedrc
#source $NVM_DIR/
#source $NVM_DIR/bash_completion

function edit_command_buffer --description 'Edit the command buffer in an external editor'
    set -l f (mktemp)
    if set -q f[1]
        mv $f $
        set f $
        # We should never execute this block but better to be paranoid.
        set f /tmp/fish.(echo %self).fish
        touch $f

    set -l p (commandline -C)
    commandline -b > $f
    if set -q EDITOR
        eval $EDITOR $f
        vim $f

    commandline -r (cat $f)
    commandline -C $p
    command rm $f

set -x YVM_DIR /Users/u6064854/.yvm
[ -r $YVM_DIR/ ]; and source $YVM_DIR/
# [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ]; and source  "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm
# [ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ]; and source "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion

starship init fish | source

set -x YVM_DIR /usr/local/opt/yvm

set -x YVM_DIR /Users/lakeishapogrzeba/.yvm

test -s /Users/lakeishapogrzeba/.nvm-fish/; and source /Users/lakeishapogrzeba/.nvm-fish/

thanks so much in advance!!

jorgebucaran commented 3 years ago

When you say every day, do you mean every time you quit your terminal? So, whenever you start a new shell session?

Also, what's the last line in your for?

test -s /Users/lakeishapogrzeba/.nvm-fish/; and source /Users/lakeishapogrzeba/.nvm-fish/

Quick question, you do realize that and that nvm are not the same thing, right?

Just double-checking.

1ak31sha commented 3 years ago

yea so everytime i start a new session. i use tmux, so if a do <PREFEX> + | to create a split, id have to reinstall nvm with fisher in that pane.

ive tried various nvms for fish...i think there are two main ones. i dont remember honestly what this one is for. ok i removed that and now things seem to work fine...thanks and sorry!

jorgebucaran commented 3 years ago

Cool! Glad to hear you sorted this out!