jorgebucaran /

The Node.js version manager you'll adore, crafted just for Fish
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Add musl support #156

Closed jrschumacher closed 3 years ago

jrschumacher commented 3 years ago

On alpine linux the installed version of node won't execute because its built with libc not musl.


  1. Create a Dockerfile with the following steps and run docker build . you will see an error (screenshot).
  2. Make change and try again you will see error related invalid mirror or host, but then the second command will succeed.


FROM alpine

# Setup
RUN apk update && \
    apk add ca-certificates fish curl

SHELL ["/usr/bin/fish", "--login", "-c"]

RUN curl -sL | source && \
    fisher install jorgebucaran/fisher && \
    fisher install jorgebucaran/ 

# Try install node
RUN nvm install 14 && nvm uninstall 14

# Set the unoffical builds mirror (supports musl) and install
# Version 16 does not support musl yet
RUN set -U nvm_mirror && \
    nvm install 14




jorgebucaran commented 3 years ago

I took a different approach by introducing nvm_arch that allows you to override the architecture parameter.

You should be able to get around this issue using the following recipe.

set nvm_mirror 
set nvm_arch_suffix x64-musl