Closed sinankizar closed 1 year ago
I have edited my first question. Looks like I am getting the veeam info but I am experiencing a problem with writing to veeam bucket with the commands in the script. Looks like I am just a step away from my perfect dashboard :) Please help me on this. Thanks in advance.
Thank you so much for everything you have done for grafana dashboards, Finally I have managed to get it work. I have uninstalled the infloxdb-client and installed influx-cli and after this step everything is working as it should.
Thanks again :)
Thank you so much!!! Sorry I've missed the comments here, gmail didn't sent me any email.
Will add those requirements and fix typo to the document :)
Hola Jorge, muchas gracias por tus aportes a la comunidad. Estoy teniendo el mismo error en un entorno desplegado en K8s. He desinstalado influxdb-client pero persiste el problema. Recomiendas instalar un Linux y aplicar la solución de sinankizar o piensas en otra solución? Gracias!!
Nunca me ha pasado, no importa que tengas todo en Kubernetes, el .SH desde donde lo ejecutas? Desde un Linux verdad? Ahi es donde tienes que tener instalado influx cli:
No me he encontrado con el problema nunca, aqui algunos ejemplos para que veas si puedes escribir informacion usando el comando
I have a Grafana instance working with not too many dashboards. Thanks to you we are successfully monitoring our vsphere environment. Now I thought I have to give your VBR dashboard a try too. I have edited the .sh with our details. but our .sh gives us below error. In your blog:
veeamJobSessions="1000" veeamUsername="YOURVBRUSER" veeamPassword="YOURVBRPASSWORD" veeamBackupServer="YOURVBRAPIPORT" veeamBackupPort="9419" #Default Port
But I thought "YOURVBRAPIPORT" should be our servers IP and edited accordingly
Here is our details:
Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS / Grafana 9.5.2 / InfluxDBv2 / Telegraf 1.26.3 / jq installed
veeamInfluxDBURL="http://192.168.." #Your InfluxDB Server, http://FQDN or https://FQDN if using SSL veeamInfluxDBPort="8086" #Default Port veeamInfluxDBBucket="veeam" # InfluxDB bucket name (not ID) veeamInfluxDBToken="API_TOKEN_CREATED_FOR_veeam_BUCKET" # InfluxDB access token with read/write privileges for the bucket veeamInfluxDBOrg="OUR_ORG" # InfluxDB organisation name (not ID)
veeamJobSessions="1000" veeamUsername="DOMAIN\domain.admin" veeamPassword="domain.admin_PASSWORD" veeamBackupServer="192.168.." veeamBackupPort="9419" #Default Port
And here is an error that I am getting for every job I have created in VBR.
Writing veeam_vbr_backupobjects to InfluxDB unknown arguments: write -t "API_TOKEN_CREATED_FOR_veeam_BUCKET" -b veeam -o MAT -p s veeam_vbr_backupobjects,veeamVBR=192.168..,veeamVBRBobjectName=MAT-TR-VSPR,veeamVBRBobjecttype=VM,veeamVBRBobjectPlatform=VMware,veeamVBRBobjectviType=VirtualMachine,veeamVBRBobjectObjectId=vm-78001,veeamVBRBobjectPath=192.168..\MAT-TR-DC001\192.168..\MAT-TR-VSPR restorePointsCount=2 Usage of influx: -version Display the version and exit. -host 'host name' Host to connect to. -port 'port #' Port to connect to. -socket 'unix domain socket' Unix socket to connect to. -database 'database name' Database to connect to the server. -password 'password' Password to connect to the server. Leaving blank will prompt for password (--password ''). -username 'username' Username to connect to the server. -ssl Use https for requests. -unsafeSsl Set this when connecting to the cluster using https and not use SSL verification. -execute 'command' Execute command and quit. -format 'json|csv|column' Format specifies the format of the server responses: json, csv, or column. -precision 'rfc3339|h|m|s|ms|u|ns' Precision specifies the format of the timestamp: rfc3339, h, m, s, ms, u or ns. -consistency 'any|one|quorum|all' Set write consistency level: any, one, quorum, or all -pretty Turns on pretty print for the json format. -import Import a previous database export from file -pps How many points per second the import will allow. By default it is zero and will not throttle importing. -path Path to file to import -compressed Set to true if the import file is compressed