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Tab layout #18

Open github-learning-lab[bot] opened 4 years ago

github-learning-lab[bot] commented 4 years ago

Tab layout

:sparkles: Branch: tab-layout


Tab Layout is layout structuring paradigm created in Store Framework to allow the creation of layouts with tabs.

We have the following two containers in this paradigm: tab-list and tab-content. Each of these containers contains the items that it's comprised of. In tab-list, we have tab-list.item, whereas in tab-content, we have tab-content.item, respectively.

We'll look at a tab layout implementation example below.

First, you need to declare the tab-layout block in the desired template:

  "store.custom#about-us": {
    "blocks": [

Then, you need to declare a tab-list and a tab-content as tab-layout's children:

"tab-layout": {
  "children": [

Having done this, these two containers are components of our tab-layout. The next step is to declare tab-list.item and tab-content.item as tab-list's and tab-content's children:

"tab-list": {
  "children": [
"tab-content": {
  "children": [

In the next step, we'll declare the tab-list.item properties. The code below creates a tab interface similar to the image below:

The tabId property is very important as it's the key that connect a tab-list.item button with a tab-content.item.

"tab-list.item#1": {
  "props": {
    "tabId": "majorAppliances",
    "label": "Major Appliances",
    "defaultActiveTab": true
"tab-list.item#2": {
  "props": {
    "tabId": "electronics",
    "label": "Electronics"

Now, let's declare the children and props pertaining to tab-content.item.

In the child array, you can include several blocks such as rich-text, info-card, image, flex-layout and etc.

In the tabId prop, you need to include the same ids that were declared in tab-list.item for the link between the tab and content to function properly.

"tab-content.item#1": {
  "children": [
  "props": {
    "tabId": "majorAppliances"
"tab-content.item#2": {
  "children": [
  "props": {
    "tabId": "electronics"

Lastly, you must declare your content's proprieties. In our example, we just placed a rich-text in each tab-content.item:

"rich-text#1": {
  "props": {
    "text": "Texto para Major Appliances",
    "textPosition": "CENTER",
    "font": "t-heading-3"
"rich-text#2": {
  "props": {
    "text": "Texto para Electronics",
    "textPosition": "CENTER",
    "font": "t-heading-3"


In this activity, we will create the simple structure of a tab layout, as shown below. Thereafter, we will add some content to give our page a custom style.

  1. In the previously created about-us.jsonc, add a tab-layout#home to the store.custom#about-us template;
  2. Declare the tab-layout#home block and add tab-list#home and tab-content#home as its children;
  3. Declare tab-list#home and add tab-list.item#home1 and tab-list.item#home2 as its children;
  4. Declare the props pertaining to tab-list.item#home1 so that the interface displays "Major Appliances". (Tip: Do not forget to include tabId = "majorAppliances" as well as the property defaultActiveTab = true to the props);
  5. Declare tab-list.item#home2's props so that the interface displays "Electronics". (Tip: Don't forget to include tabId = "electronics" to the props);
  6. Now, let's move on to the content. Declare tab-content#home in your theme and add tab-content.item#home1 and tab-content.item#home2 as children;
  7. For each tab-content.item, declare just one rich-text as child (for example, rich-text#home1 and rich-text#home2);
  8. Thereafter, include a tabId prop for each tab-content.item to create a link between the previously created tab-list and tab-content;
  9. Lastly, add the rich-text and declare its props according to the code below:

    "rich-text#home1": {
    "props": {
      "text": "Área do conteúdo da tab-list.item com  tabId = majorAppliances",
      "textPosition": "CENTER",
      "font": "t-heading-3"
    "rich-text#home2": {
    "props": {
      "text": "Área do conteúdo da tab-list.item com  tabId = electronics",
      "textPosition": "CENTER",
      "font": "t-heading-3"

    :information_source: Remember to access the Tab Layout and Rich Text documentation for any questions during the activity.

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vtex-course-hub[bot] commented 4 years ago

Oopsie, something went wrong :crying_cat_face:




:x: Request failed with status code 404 :x: Cannot read property 'store.custom#about-us' of undefined :x: Cannot read property 'tab-layout#home' of undefined :x: Cannot read property 'tab-list#home' of undefined :x: Cannot read property 'tab-list.item#home1' of undefined :x: Cannot read property 'tab-list.item#home2' of undefined :x: Cannot read property 'tab-content#home' of undefined :x: Cannot read property 'tab-content#home' of undefined :x: Cannot read property 'tab-content.item#home1' of undefined :x: Cannot read property 'tab-content.item#home1' of undefined :x: Cannot read property 'rich-text#home1' of undefined

Try again :grin:

github-learning-lab[bot] commented 4 years ago

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Go to the next step!